CorNnie?! (Oreo 1) (Chocolate 4) (Cookies 9) (Grojband Books9)

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Micah- Heyaa!

Corey- Oh Hi!

Laney- Hai

Micah- We have a new dare!

Laney- As always 😑

Corey- Think POSITVE

Micah- secretly laughs..

Micah- Positive, huh?

Corey- Why??


*IamKittenheart pops out*

Micah- Hi Aria!

Aria- Hi Micah!

Micah- Aria, meet Corey and Laney.

Aria- Of course I know them! XD btw Laney, shoo for a while

Aria- So the dare is,
I dare Corey,,
to say he's married to Konnie and has to make it look and act like it's true. He cannot tell it's a dare until 5 chapters! Also Give me a Oreo for 10 chapters.

Corey- Ok then. Konnie!!

Konnie- Whut

Corey- *whispers* this is just a dare ok?

Konnie- okie

Corey- Will you marry me?

*Laney comes in and cries*

Konnie- Yes.

Corey- I love you ♡

Konnie- You too.

Ok that was sad.. continuation of Aria's second dare and Emilia's and Alex's

Aria- Good Job! Now, buy me an Oreo ^_^

Laney- I'll buy it for you since I will buy a cookie and a chocolate bar too

Aria- Okie

*Emilia emiliaisthename pops out*

Emilia- I'm coming with you.

Laney- Yeah ok sure

Corey- and I go read the book of alex_Corney96!

*While walking*

Laney- How dare you Corey!

Micah- It was just a dare. I know he still loves you very much and you know, you should really do dares.. unless you want a consequence that is worse..

Emilia- Anyways, see you tomorrow people! (Tomorrow means next chapter)


Lol sorry Caramel_Cookie-chan XD

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