Corney Sinking (Dressing Up as Phyrra and Jaune Day 1)

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Dare by coreyriffinrulez and

Corey- Can someone even dare me?

Micah- well it is a dare for the both of you!

Corey and Laney- Yay!

Chel- I dare the both of you to dress up as Phyrra and Jaune for 5 days straight!

Corey- Gosh, this is worse than wearing Chat Noir's suit!

Laney- I agree with you Core.

*wears suit*

While changing
Becca- I want you to do this Core. I want you to find a way to make Corney sink. But you can still be friends.

Corey- Why?

Becca- You should only be with me!

Corey- uhh.. I do not even know you! But ok...?

After changing

Corey- Laney, to be honest, you look so ugly wearing that! Becca wears Phyrra's suit better than you!

Laney- Ouch..


Laney- Who the heck are you?! *slaps Becca in the cheek*

Becca- I'm Corey's boyfriend, why?

Laney- 😭😭😭😭

Corey- sorry Lanes. We are still friends..

Laney- ...

Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry for all Corney fans out there..

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