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-Three years later..

"Jen, are you ready?"

"Yes, Eomma. But I am really nervous"

"It's normal Jendeuki. When Seul and I were going to be married I was nervous too. But when I was in front of her, the nervousness flew away. Don't worry."

"Thank you Eomma. For always being here."

"It's nothing Jen. Remember I am Always here for you okay?" She said and smiled at me.

*knock knock*

"Hey." Seulgi Appa said as she entered the room.


"Jendeuki, congratulations.. You are not a baby anymore. But you will be always a baby for me and Irene. Now, you have to go, it's time for your wedding." She said and beamed a smile.

"Thanks Appa. Saranghaeyo." I said to the both of them.

"We love you too. Go! She is waiting for you."

As I walked towards the huge doors of the church I felt the nervousness again.

Then the doors opened and the first person that I saw was Her. She was standing in front of the Priest. Waiting for me. As soon as she saw me, she smiled at me.

I slowly walked towards her. As soon as I arrived tears of joy leaved my eyes.

Finally, the day where we will be together forever had come.

"Jen, we have been through difficult moments, where we fought, and when we broke up, I thought that this day would never come. But here we are, in front of the altar and God, promising that we won't hurt each other anymore and love eachother everyday. With this, you will be mine." She said and insert the ring in my finger.

"Chae, I never expected that this day will come. Back then I was a fool for saying those words. But I am thankful that it's still you. It's still us. I love you so much. And this day, I will finally become a Park and be yours forever. I love you Park Chaeyoung" I said and slipped the ring in her finger.

"I, officially announce you, Mr. And Mrs. Park. Congratulations, you may now kiss the bride." The priest said.

She leaned and kissed me. Whistles and hands clapping were filling the church. As we pulled we looked at each other and smiled. She hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.

I looked over the people and saw my family. Jin oppa, mommy Cl and dad T.O.P. were here. They smiled at me and dad gave a me a thumbs up.

I smiled at them and tears leaved my eyes again.

This is the best day of my life.


It's been 5 years since me and got married Chae. We are still together. Even thought we have ups and downs, we resolve them.

We now have a child. His name is Park Jimin. He took more after Chae because of his cheeks and all but his behaviour from me.

"Eommaa!! Wae I can't do thish! I am upshet!" Jimin said with a cute little pout. He was trying to build robot with some legos he couldn't. And he is 6 years old.

"Let your appa help you okay?" Chae said and helped Jimin.

"Jiminie is Happy now. Gomawoyo Appa" he said and climbed over his father.

Just One Last Time ° ChaeNnieWhere stories live. Discover now