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Taking Prom photos, Rose waited by the door in her Blue puffy dress. Emily and Cody took pictures first then Isabella and Gabe. When Andrew and Tristan arrived, he couldn't take his eyes off of Rose. She looked so uncomfortable which Drew hated. Rose doesn't know her true beauty.

She has her arms folded over her chest. Isabella put her in this dress and almost cussed her out for it. Andrew gets closer to her and sees his rose shaped diamond ring shining on her left hand. Rose lets out a breath finally spotting Andrew. Then Tristan with his new girlfriend behind him.

"Hey." Rose said. She tried not to admire how good Drew looked in his suit.

"Hey, You look nice." Drew added

"And you clean up well." Getting in line it's finally their turn to take pictures and the photographer goes crazy.

"OMG Andrew and Rose! The royal couple!" Drew guided Rose in front of him and held her around her waist. Rose grew nervous feeling him touching her.

"Rose relax." He whispered in her ear. "Okay." taking a deep breath they smile. After the photographer clicked 4 times, he made them change poses. Andrew spins her to where they were facing each other. In her heels they were the same height so it looks good. Drew looks at into her brown eyes while she looks into his blue ones. She wanted so bad to kiss him but pulled away after the photographer yelled done. Walking off the stage meeting up with their friends. Drew and Gab now get along after he saw that Gab true target was Izzy and not Rose. Leaving they all get into the limo to the Gloria Hall where they Prom was being held.

Arriving it was crowded. Girls in beautiful dress and guys in tux. Seeing the 4 couples everyone moves out of the way watching them walk in.

"Have I ever told you that I hate that your popular?" Andrew nodded at Rose. Walking in arm in arm, they hit the dance floor.

"Rose! Rose!" Amber the head person of prom came to Rose. Wide eyed Rose tries to calm her down. "Amber breath. What do you need?" Amber takes a deep breath. Her excitement over powers Isabella in a heartbeat. "Angelo is sick and can't sing the for the king and queens dance." Rose was shocked. "Me, but I can't sing. I've never been in choir before in my life." Amber shakes her head. "Nope Angelo personally told me that he wants you to sing the song." "Wait is this from the time in 9th grade that me and him song a theme song for our project?" "I don't know and I don't care, I just need you to get prepared for the song." She runs before Rose can protest any farther.

"OMG Rose people are going to finally hear you sing!" Isabella was happy. "Right." Emily added. "what are yall talking about? I can't sing. Why won't anyone listen to me!" Rose was upset and really didn't want to go on stage. After a few songs Angelo comes to get Rose.

"Omg Angelo, I can't do this." He pulls out his phone to type something.

+Please Rose. I have the perfect song for you. please.+ He begs with his eyes and Rose can't say no. Following him back stage he hands her the music sheet. 'At last' by Etta James.

"I know this song." He nods at me. Over the microphone Amber stops the music.

"Now it's time to announce the King and Queen!" Everyone starts clapping.

"Now for your new King....Andrew Faraldo! and His queen Rose Wilson!" Rose's stomach turned inside out. Angelo pulls her from back stage on to the stage where Andrew was waiting for her. With his crown on, he takes the other crown and places it on her head. Drew takes the microphone.

"Thank you to everyone who voted. Now instead of the king and queens dances you get to hear my lovely baby sing. Please gather your date and hit the dance floor." He hands the mic to Rose while everyone cheered. Clearing the stage Rose stands in the middle waiting to sing. As the music turns on she opens her mouth and nothing comes out. Andrew sees this and runs to her.

She lowers her mic and whispers to him almost crying "Andrew, I can't this." "Yes you can. Your Rose of all Roses. Your the kick ass girl that everyone want to be. I believe in you." She shakes her head. "Rose, Rose look at me. Only at me. Sing to me. Can you do that?" "I-I" "Just sing to me." He holds her hand and she puts the mic up to her lips.

At last
My love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song

Andrew smiles at her. It was like Rose and Andrew were the only ones in the world. Andrew felt pride in her that she trusted him.

The skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you

I found a dream, that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known

Oh yeah yeah
You smiled, you smiled
Oh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
for you are mine...

At Last

She didn't know that she finished till everyone started cheering. Rose turned to everyone and bowed. She takes Andrews and walks off stage. their friends was waiting for them at the bottom.

"Andrew what did you say to her. You looked like you were going to throw up." Cody said. "Thanks."Rose mumbled. "I didn't do a thing. That was all Rose."

After about 2 hours everyone was leaving for postprom. Of course Tristan skipped it. Arriving there was food and drinks everywhere. Games in the gym, Photo booth, prizes and much more.

Rose was hopping up and down like a child.

"This is going to be so fun!" Isabella, Emily, Gabe, Cody, Andrew and Rose had a ball. And speaking of balls guess who signed them up for dodge ball.

"You didn't." Rose asked Isabella. "I did! And made shirts!" Gab laughed. "I bet you helped her with them right." Which caused him to laugh even more. Izzy told him that Rose would hate it. "It's fine Rose, We got your back." Cody added. That promise was true till Rose was the only one that was left.

"Rose, just catch a ball and one of us will get back in." Andrew yelled. She was running and dodging and ducking as they threw balls. "You say that like it's easy." Andrew was getting antsy that they were aiming at her. "Rose stand and try to catch a ball it won't hurt you." She did want he said. Stopping she holds out her arms. As one of there classmates throw a ball it hit her in the chest and she closed her arms catching the ball. "Omg Look Drew I did it!" He runs back in. Taking the ball from Rose he aims and throws getting the team out. He aggressively threw ball after ball till everyone was out.

"Damn Andrew, It's just a game." Cody laughed.

"Yeah, Just a game." Andrew walked off trying to calm down. Rose went after him stopping him. rubbing his back she looked concerned.

"Drew. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I just don't want you to get hurt." Rose was shocked that it came from him.

"I'm fine silly. Come on, me hungry so me want food." He smiles. "Yes me queen." He said matching her silliness.

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