I- The Beginning

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There is so much i want to tell. Pass on to the fun parts, the romantic ones, the action ones... But i found it better to start at the beginning of everything. My name is Merlia. I come from a very big family called Angeli. Our family is, how can i explain it? Different. I have relatives that are not even my relatives. Some people say we are witches. I like to think we are what others can't be. We can do supernatural things. I'm still not sure what expects me. Not until I turn 18. My family, the Mare, it's famous for controling water. Actually, we all can control any type of element, per say. We just have more talent to one in specific than the others. I belong to the Mare, at least until i turn 18. It's unnusual the heir of a family to have the calling of another family, like a Mare, that controls the water, to have the calling of a Lumeni, the ones that control the fire. It's unnusual, not impossible. When something like that happens, there are some visible signs in the person but nothing is sure before the 18th birthday and, if the the teenager's vocation doesn't correspond to it's family, the teen changes family; in this case, the Mare teen would become part of a Lumeni family. Besides those two families, there are still the Aire, the ones that can control the air, the Storm, being able to control the lightning and thunders, the Naturali, with earth element and, the rearest of them all, the Mistic, that can control equally any type of element. There is still the dark side of the story... the Deminius. Like the name says it, they are descendants of the same element families but from the dark side. They use their powers to do wrong things. 

A long, long time ago, Life and Death had an affair from which 2 baby boys were born. The first one, brave and strong, filled everyone's heart with life and happiness. On the contrary, his twin brother, weak and shy, made everyone around him miserable and sad. As their differences were very visible, one day the weak brother turned against the strong brother, and sworn that he would make his family grow  so big and so powerful, that sadness and misery would rule the world. As he could not let that happen, the strong brother created a happy famiy of his own, having six children: Mare, Lumini, Aire, Storm, Naturali and Mistic. He trained them well, with patience and kindness, and taught them about many subjects so they could, together, defeat Deminius. When Deminius found out about his brother's plan, he also created his six children like his brother's but taught them how to use their powers for evil.

This war still goes on in the present day. There are small alterations as, for exemple, when you reach 18 years old you will know if you belong to the Angelis' or to the Deminius' family. It depends on the purity of our hearts. We also know the element family we belong to and our true vocation.

My birthday is a few months away from the beggining of our story but until then, there are things that can change my future... for Ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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