II - For work

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Lírica got off the bus at the stop just outside her house. She felt like shit. Chemo had been worse than it had been for years. Her hands were blistering, she felt like passing out, she also felt extremely nauseous.

She walked down the drive towards the house. "I cannot believe he didn't pick me up. He's not working and his wife is in London, and his mates are away for a stag. He's got no damn excuse." She muttered. She had sent a text to Alec asking him to pick her up, and he had read it, but never showed. She had called several times as well, but every time he answered he hung up immediately. And then Luka repeated the process. Then Luis. Then Freddie. Then Ricky. Piper was on tour. Harper was on her honeymoon. Alex, he was in Spain. And Jackson was working. And Adam's phone was fucked. So that left her with the only option of the bus.

She reached into the pockets of her leather jacket to find her keys. After a couple minutes her hand had found the blue butterfly key ring her Madre had given her years ago. Piper and Harper had been given a pink one and a yellow one.

She grabbed the key ring and pulled the keys out of her pocket. She put the gold key in the door turned it clockwise until she heard the click, signalling that the door had unlocked. She pulled the key out and opened the door. She reached behind her for her oxygen tank and grabbed the handle and pulled it inside behind her.

She closed the door and locked it behind her, and then put the keys in the bowl by the stairs.

When he heard the door open, Adam got up off the couch to see which one of his siblings had come home. He was a little surprised when he saw it was Lírica.

"Hey, you didn't come home last night. I thought you had stayed at Nico's or something." He said as he took his sisters bag from her.

Lírica sighed as she hung her jacket up on the coat rack by the door. "I passed out so they had me stay over night." She sighed as she made her way through to the living room. Adam followed her.

She sighed as she fell down onto the sofa. "I cannot believe none of you knew I was at chemo." She muttered. Adam's head snapped up realising the situation.

"Lee, I'm so sor-"

"Save it. I told everyone at dinner, even left a note." She snapped. "It's not like anyone cares anyway." She muttered under her breath. Adam practically fell into the couch when he heard that.

"Hey, you know damn well we care." He scolded. I'll kill the guys later. He thought.

"Maybe you do, but the others clearly don't." She said bitterly. She sighed and reached for the handle of her oxygen tank. "I'm going upstairs. Call me when it's time to make dinner." She got up and took her bag, dragging her oxygen tank behind her as she walked up the stairs.

Artem was just finishing his physics paper. "And that....... Creates....... Too much..... Friction..... To allow..... The object....... To-"

"You're doing it again." Annika sighed as she put down a cup of coffee in front of her brother.

"Doing what?" Artem asked as he finished his last sentence.

"Saying what you write as you write it. It's annoying." Annika said as she sat down across from Artem.

"Shut up Annie. You do it too." Artem sighed as he put his paper in his folder. "I do not. I work in the fashion industry what the hell do I have to write about?" Annika asked. "You're an assistant...... You either type or write..... And you always say what is it you're typing as you do it." Artem said matter of factly.

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