Chapter 6

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After my meeting with Astra I felt so relieved and happy. For the first time since many years I felt my heart flutter. I have never been so happy in a long time.

When I reached home, it was 8:30. I felt like messaging Asher when I realised I don't have his number. Can you believe that. The girl who knows so much about his life doesn't have his phone number.

So out of boredom, I opened my Instagram. 'One new follow request.'
It was from _asher234_ . I accepted the request and followed him back. I started stalking his Instagram account. I mean wasn't stalking, I was just checking out. You know what I mean to say, right? Anyways chuck it.

Suddenly I received a dm from _asher234_ .

"Hey Pooh Bear."

"Hey Ash."

"Thinking about me ? ;)"

"Keep dreaming sweetie :p"

"So what do you think about Romeo and Juliet?"

"Do you know for what Romeo and Juliet was famous ?"

"It is known as an eternal love story."

"Exactly, the story revolved around love."

"Get to the point."

"Before putting forth the theories on Romeon and Juliet, let's first discuss about what teen age love is."

"Excellent idea. Jot down your points on love. I will do it as well. Let's meet tomorrow after school."


"Pooh Bear, if you don't mind can you give me your phone number."


"Thank you."

Soon after I received a text on my cell phone;

'A piece of shit from heaven ;)'

I saved his number. No it wasn't saved as sweetheart or something. Just Ash.

I was quite hungry. It was 9:30pm. Tine for dinner. My cook was on leave today. So I decided to order pizza. I ordered a regular size bbq pizza with extra cheese and a coke.

After the dinner I went straight to bed. I knew I don't need sleeping pills now. This guy had a magic on me. The magic which I have always read in novels and movies. But now I was feeling it for the first time in my life.

I never wished for a perfect guy. I don't care what his past was. I don't care what his present is, 'cause I just want to be with him. By his side.

But does he want to be with me. Does he love me the way I do. Will he accept me after knowing about my past.

I don't know. Asher is the sweet kind of guy. And I the rebellious one. We fought the first time we met. Are we compatible.

He was the only guy who tried to understand me. For the first time in so many years, I understood my ownself. All was so dim and dark.
I feel my world suddenly light up. I hope this doesn't go too soon.

With all the thoughts revolving around my head, I went to sleep. Next day I woke up at 4 am. Uh, I don't know why I get up so early now-a-days. After I jumped out of my bed, I took a shower. I wore my pink sports bra and grey shorts. I took my ipod and earphones.

I wanted to jog. I don't why. Maybe because I was already awake and had no other option. I go out to jog. As I jogged for about 20 minutes in the park, I saw a tanned body. 6'2 feet tall and perfectly toned with curly hair. I instantly knew who it was. I raced back home. Brandon was back. Shit!

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