Chapter 13

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After a drive which seemed forever, I was taken to a place which seemed abandoned and lonely.

I was a karate player. I tried kicking them. I tried fighting with them. But they were really very strong. Tired of my drama, they gave me some kind of injection. Everything started to seem blurry. I dont remember anything that happened after that.

Asher's POV
We all woke up when we heard Cygnet screaming.

"Crystal's not here. She left her phone here as well"

We searched for her in the whole house. Zac and I serached her in the village but to no avail. My heart was throbbing, wishing she was just fine.

I somehow felt that I knew who kidnapped her but hoped that it wasn't true. I can never see Crystal being hurt 'cause of me. Even though it's not me who's hurting. But still I would be the reason

I could see Zac's eye glistening with tears. He hugged me and cried. I never saw him crying.

"Ash, where would be my baby sister. She might seem rough and tough but she is a small kid within her heart."

"Zac it's not the time we lose hope. We have to be strong for our Crystal."

"Yeah Ash, I know. But she's my precious gem."

"Zac we should go home now. Astrid and Cygnet are alone. They could also get in trouble. We will go to police station later on."

"Yeah you are right."

As soon as we reach home, I get a call. The name flashed on my screen is what I never wanted. I start sweating profusely. It's like my worst nightmare come true.

I received the call. I did not utter a single word throughout the whole call. But my changing expressions made it clear for everryone that therr was some sort of problem. As soon as I keep the call everyone starts bombarding questions at me.

"Who was it Ash? Did they tell something about my sister"

"Yes Ash, tell us. Is my Crystal babe safe."

It was Zac who screamed at last.

"Speak up, God damn it."

I mustered up my courage and I finally spoke up hesitantly

"It... It was Theo."

"Who's Theo?" Zac asked me

"He is the leader of Black Dragon gang."

"Why did he call you?"

"Crystal is with him."

Everybody stared at me with big eyes. They all were obviously shocked at what I told them. Nobody could speak a single word. Somehow Zac spoke for all them.

"Why did they kidnap my Cryssie Baby. Maybe she was a rebel but she didn't cause harm to anyone except Brandon."

"I can explain you guys everything only if you promise to stay quiet throughout."

"Okay" everyone answered in unison. By the look on their faces it was clear that they knew there's a big storm awaiting for them.

"You guys don't know about my past. I will explain it to you in short. My dad was a drunkard who abused my mother. She suicided. On her burial dad blamed me for her death. I took my car and drove it rashly at high speed killing Janet's mom and dad. I was behind the bars for 3 months.

There I met a guy who worked for Theo. He told me that he see's a spark in me. He could see a dangerous and a witty guy within me. He offered me the work of Theo's drug dealer. I refused at that time.

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