Thursday, May 5, 20XX

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The launch was a success and the capsule is passing mars. When we pass the asteroid belt we will engage the Ion thrusters and open the wormhole, and we are expecting to reach the TRAPPIST-1 by July. The data from Voyager 1 started to randomly start flooding in data. We didn't bother to build a machine to decode so i was stuck on the job. The decoding is killing me. As we are organizing data, we made four categories: optical, sound waves, radio waves, and raw data. The optical was trash, so we tried the sound waves. They were creepy. As in almost vocal patterns creepy. Next up, radio waves. These helped a lot, and could be vital to prove what was there, but there isn't enough information to even get an idea of what we are looking at. We didn't do much else and spent most of the day just confused and analyzing the data.

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