Chapter 3

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We walk hand and hand until we reach the bakers. I knock on the door. Haylee mimics me. The baker opens the door and escorts us inside.
"Hello! Phoenix, Haylee what would y'all like?," Mr. Markilons, the baker and my best friend- Keylee's dad, asks.
"Umm, may I get a load of bread and -," I bend over and whisper in his ear. " a cinnamon roll please."

Just as I straighten up, the door opens. A boy with perfectly gelled hair walks in. He looks like a boy I knows brother. Marquis is my partner in advanced math. I only take it cause it's the class my aunt teaches, and I'm good at it I just don't like it.

"Hello! Wade, how may I assist you?," Mr. Markilons asks.

"Uh," he glances at me. "2 pumpkin pastries, a peach one, a strawberry one as well, 3 loaves of bread, and some banana nut muffins, please.

Of course he'd be wealthy, his slicked back hair, and little smirk. It would be foolish not to admire him, he's quite handsome. His dark chocolate eyes. Sparkling in the light. SNAP OUT OF IT! He's just a little flirt probably. The flirt of his grade.
" Of course, I'll have both of your orders ready in a minute," the baker says as he walks to the kitchen room.

"What you get?," Wade asks, "Probably less than me, eh?"
I don't know how to respond.

"Yah a little bit."

"Hmpf," he says.

I see a glimpse of curly red hair ,in the doorway to the rest of the house, and notice Keylee is home!
"Keels!" I shout.

She comes wheeling around the corner, and almost runs into me.

"Girls.." Wade mutters.

I ignore him. After we talk about school and stuff, I ask her if she can go to the trading center with me and Haylee. "Sure!," she says. Her father comes in with our orders and hands me and Wade our bags.

"Bye good day!," I say walking out with Haylee holding my hand, and Keylee by my side.
"Where would you like to go first?," I ask.
"It doesn't matter. I'm down for anything," she replies.
"Daddy," Haylee yells.
I look at we're she's pointing and see Father and Gracely at Sue Jane's , the goat 'queen', looking at the goat she's selling.
" Wanna go see them?," I ask.
"Sure," Keylee says.
" Yay!," Haylee says exited.

We walk the 20- 30 yards to Sue Jane's backyard. Once we are there Father turns around and scoops us into a big hug, Keels included.

"The goats adorable! How old is she," I ask Sue Jane.

" One month old," she replies.

We pet and play with the goat for about 20 minutes.
"Dad we need to get going, see you at lunch."
"No!," Haylee exclaims.

We try to get Haylee to come, but she wants to stay with Father. We finally decide that I'll take Gracely and Father will take Haylee.

I pick Gracely up, and shift her to one shoulder. Then we begin walking to the trading center. Me and Keels talk on and on. Gracely falls asleep within 3 minutes. I look towards the direction of the trading center, and see a figure with perfectly groomed hair trading some dresses. Once we reach the booth he's at, I ask him why he's trading dresses. He responds with :
" My mom made them, thank you very much."
I glare at him then ask the owner of the booth how much the pretty necklace is. He responds with a  what do you have.
I completely forgot about the bag that's wrapped around my neck. I tell the man I have fresh milk, eggs, and some blackberries. We have a bush back home. I trade him, a pint of milk and 6 eggs for the necklace. Once little Mr. Perfect walks away, I admire the dresses he's traded with the booth man. Each one perfectly stitched. I look up and see Keylee looking with interest at the many dresses. I count them- 10 dresses.
"There perfect for the reaping," I say to Keels.

"Yah they are," she says.

"What for," I ask the man who seems to be getting rather annoyed.

"What. Do. You. Have?," he asks tapping his foot.

"Geese I was just asking."

I trade the rest of my milk and
half the rest of eggs,  plus a pint of blackberries, for two dresses. One for me, and one for Hope.

Keels also gets a dress, but she trades: a loaf of bread and a peach pastry. I feel like the booth man was being generous, because he barley charged anything.

Before we leave we also trade for: Some turkey meat, a small yo-yo for Gracely, and some other little gifts for the rest of the family. I put everything in my bag, and walk Keylee to her house. Then I head home.

Yay! That chapter was almost a thousand words! Please vote and comment! Do y'all like the characters so far?  Witch ones your favorite. I'm starting to relies I'll have to kill off some characters! And a LOT to 23 to be exact. Bye!!! :D

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