Chapter 1

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I've slightly edited the first chapter so, let me know what you think!

Before I start I'll just say this my story was never about going into care, or about the party or my home life or my relationship with my parents or my problems at school or my behaviour

It was never about my life before

It was about after

So it moves pretty quickly. In fact, the lead up happened In over a month but I can tell it as if it happened In an hour 

So here you go.

I was 15 when it happened. I lived a pretty average life. I was an only child, and I'd never particularly enjoyed it, I was alone and I didn't particularly have many friend's at school either

Well, I had friend's I guess. I didn't like them though. Anyway, I was walking home one day, it was a friday when it happened. I walked up my front drive and there were cars everywhere, I let myself in and looked at the front room.

My parents sat there looking at me, hard faced. My mum who's old fashioned and strict appeared to be crying, crying. It was right then I knew I'd done something wrong, as usual. A strange woman who I had never seen before appeared to be comforting them.

"Mum? dad? What is it what's going on?" I said confused

I didn't get on with my parents and they were often extreme but this was all new to me.

"Poppy Rapter?"said the woman standing up.

"Um yeah?" I said slightly confused already, what was even going on here?

"Poppy, hi, sit down" she said 

"Uh no not until you tell me what's going on" I said firmly, and my mum shook her head as if she was almost ashamed of me.

As much as showing my mum up would be fun I was curious as to what was going on so I sat down obediently and listened to what this woman had to say.

"Poppy you parents have decided, after, after several phone calls from your school that maybe it's not best you live with them anymore


Just for a while.

You know

You need space?"

"Space? space?" I practically screamed. They were throwing me out, and for what? 

Ok so maybe my attendance record at school wasn't great and my grades were slipping

And my 'behaviour' wasn't the best right now.  I'd gotten into a fight today which apparently was the final straw, it wans't even my fault! Leanne Edwards had started it, she called me an emo I'n refrence to my music taste, she deserved everything she got.

Either way appearance wise I'm far from it, I have brown hair, It's flat and boring naturally but I backbrush it and use hairspray and curlers and straighteners to do all sorts to it. On top of that I desperately want to die it a shocking bright blue or purple. I have both dyes in my room but I'm too scared to do anything to it plus, my mum would never allow it she'd go mental if she knew I was even planning it, never mind if I actually did it. I wear anything but not anything as I'n high street stores, excluding topshop and sales, other than that I like unique one off things.

Tye dye, creepers, platform shoes, jumpers all those things.

I like band t shirts too, I like bands. And I like too much make up I'm self concious so I cover myself in it, but I don't mind. But forget that, my parents were throwing me out. ME. THEIR ONLY DAUGHTER. THEIR ONLY CHILD. It sounds very sudden but it actually wasn't,

This whole scenario was actually about an hour long, plus I saw it coming. Just this isn't exactly the part of me story I wanted to talk about so I'm rushing it.

It's odd because In that moment I wasn't listening to their "we don't know who you are anymore" speech, I wasn't even sad. I was only thinking of where I would go. Not why I was going

I would happily go.

"Poppy, I'm Michelle your new care worker, We're based in our care home It's about 20 minutes away it will be your home for, well for the forseeable future" She said Softly, I disliked her already ugh. "Good I'm glad to get away from here" I spat as I stormed upstairs.

I grabbed posters from my walls and clothes, clothes. shoes and make up flinging them in.

My room looked bare and ugly without it all. I grabbed my blanket and CDs, My magazines , I couldn't fit my whole room in my suitcase. I grabbed the things I hid from my parents, my hair dyes, and lighter, the alcohol bottles, cigarette packets and my high shoes and revealing clothes I would never wear in front of them.

I stormed downstairs and out without saying a word.

I got in Michelles car and she drove me away, away for good. She tried to be all chatty to me throughout the journey:

"Hey Poppy I know it's hard"

"So how old are you?"

"What school are you at?"

"I think you'll like it here, we're like one big family"

I didn't bother answering half of them, I couldn't be bothered I just blasted my favourite music instead I'n my headphones. I looked at the building we pulled up to. It was big, massive even and old looking, great just what I wanted. Inside was all starchy floorings and horrible yellowy wallpapers it reminded me of a hospital. Michelle led me to my room

"So poppy this will be your room, unpack and well I'll come find you later and explain how we do things around here"

I flopped down on my bed sighing. The room was small and ugly looking, the only furniture other than the bed, was a wardrobe and a chest of drawers alongside a full length mirror. I caught sight of myself. I was In shorts, despite it being early spring and a band t shirt with my hair tied In low bunches. My eyeliner looked awful but I was behind caring right now, I swung round in my creepers and blew my fringe out of my face. I put In my headphones and started by putting up posters

If this was my new room I might as well make it look nice. Ugh fresh start right? Oh well

I saw it coming.

Mum had been threatening it for months, I was "out of control", "a nightmare to live with"

I wasn't sure that was exactly correct I just had better things to do with my time. I enjoyed singing and creative writing and reading much more than things like maths and French and school simply bored me. Not to mention my nightmare 'friends' and bitchy friendship group. I spun around as I decorated my 'new room' I was so busy putting up my posters I didn't even notice him come in.

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