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"I just don't understand!" I was so angry I was shaking. "Honey, calm down you're being a little dramatic."
Ok, hold up did she just call me dramatic? "DRAMATIC HELL TO THE NO!" "Watch your tone young lady!"
I stomped up stairs and slammed my door. Maybe I was being a little dramatic, but I wanted to let them know how I felt. I suppose I could have just talked to them but what's the fun in that. I tied up my long black hair as I saw a glimpse of myself in the mirror. "What if they don't like me?" I heard my door crack open. I looked back and it was my mom. "Honey, they will. You're absolutely the sweetest person I know." "Thanks mom. I'm sorry I yelled." I hugged her. "It's fine baby, I know you don't want to move and leave all your friends." That's the complete truth. I was upset about leaving Lydia. She's been my best friend since I was 4. I don't know how I'm going to tell her. I pulled out my phone and FaceTimed her. "Hey girl,what's up?" "Lydia I need to tell you something." After that we had a long conversation about how just because I'm moving doesn't mean we stop being best friends. It was time to pack and honestly I can't believe in a few days I'll be in LA.
-a few days later-
I boarded my plane. I've never flown before, it's not as bad as I thought. We finally landed after a long ride.
We went to baggage claim and got our bags. We ordered a uber. We made it to our house and it took my breathe away. A beautiful white house with a breath taking garden. I knew my dads job offer was hella big, but I didn't expect this. I made my way upstairs and found my room. I actually need more stuff. This room is so big an elephant could literally fit. I'm not complaining, but we've always lived in a small cozy house. I'm so not used to this. I think we passed a high school on our way here. It looked like school was still in session. Which I mean it is a TuEsDaY and it's 3:00pm. I unpacked my stuff, which literally didn't even fill up half of my room. I had a balcony which I'm okay with but I'm going to need curtains. It's a beautiful view though.
end of chapter one

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