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Kali's POV
"Okay I guess that's fine, but in not cute."
Gray: "yes you are, don't even think otherwise."
Gray: "Okay lets go"
Gray showed me around the school and before I knew it all my classes were over.
-bell rings-
I go to close my locker and Gray pulls one of those "hiding behind your locker door" things.
"Oh my god. You scared me!"
Gray: "Sorry, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime or maybe I could walk you home?"
"Sure. Let's go"
Gray: "So tell me about yourself."
"Well I moved here because my dad got a hella big job offer."
I rambled on and before I knew it we were at my house.
"Well this is my house."
Gray:"Really?! I'm your neighbor."
"Oh that's so cool! Well do you wanna come in?"
" My parents aren't home. Honestly their never home, but we could hang in my room."
Grays so cute and sweet but I mean I only met him today. He looks "kissable". What am I talking about HES FREAKING HOT ASF!
"Sorry, my rooms kinda ugly."
Gray:"No it looks good."
"Thanks" I let out a soft laugh.
We both sat down on my bed and were just taking. I spaced out and was thinking about how he said I was cute. I've never had a guy tell me I was cute. I've also never kissed a guy. He looked at him and we had a moment we're out eyes met.
"Oh sorry. I was just thinking about something."
Gray: "Don't be sorry."
He cupped my cheek and kissed me softly. I was obviously freaking out because what if I messed up?
He moved his hand and opened his eyes. I slowly opened my eyes to see a smile on his face. I think he could see me blushing. He kissed  me on the cheek and said call me.
The sound if my front door shutting cut  me off.
End of chapter 3

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