
11 1 2

When Tyler woke up he had never felt more comfortable. He was surrounded by warmth, which was unusual for him. Normally he was always chilly and unable to warm up but this was a pleasant change for him.

Just when he was about to close his eyes and go back to sleep he realised that there was a weight around his waist. When he looked down to see what it was all he could see was an arm covered in a colourful tattoo.

That's when he remembered. Sitting in his room writing in the dark with only a lamp from light when he was suddenly plunged into darkness. Panicking and crying. Staring into the darkness of his room from beneath his blanket. Then Josh was in his room with him.

'How the hell did I not remember Josh being here? Wait... Why didn't he leave after I fell asleep?' Tyler pondered before being dragged back into the present by the arm around his waist tightening and feeling Josh push his face into his neck.

Tyler's face was bright red and the thought of moving did cross his mind but he didn't.

'I don't want to disturb Josh after he was nice enough to stay. It wouldn't be fair... Damn that doesn't even sound convincing to me. I'm comfy and I don't want to move simple as that.' Tyler sighed wondering what he should say to Josh when he woke up.

When he was still trying to think of something to say he felt Josh shift around and tightened his arm even further. As soon as he began to show signs of waking up Tyler closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep by relaxing and slowing his breathing.

Tyler could tell the moment Josh was fully aware of himself when he felt the body pressed against his back tense up. The arm that had been wrapped around his waist was quickly removed as Josh pulled away, and Tyler was unable to stop a whimper from escaping when his source of heat was taken away.

Tyler decided that was a good a time as any to 'wake up', so he shuffled around some before stretching his arms above his head and humming. He turned to face Josh, who was staring at Tyler. He could feel heat rising to his cheeks so he scrubbed at his face and sat up, hoping that the blush wasn't as obvious as it felt.

"Erm hey." Josh muttered, raising a hand and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Sorry I slept here last night. It's just that you fell asleep on top of me and I didn't want to wake you up when you looked so peaceful."

"Thanks..." He lowered his eyes down to his hands. "For last night and for letting me sleep" He looked back up at Josh from underneath his eyelashes and smiled.

Josh smiled back and it was like his face changed. When Tyler first met him he judged him because of his looks; the dyed hair, pierced nose, the stretched ears, tattoos and the muscle's all combined to make him look intimidating but as soon as Josh opened his mouth to talk Tyler realised how ridiculous he was being. The smile that crossed his face showed the kind soul that was hidden behind his intimidating appearance.

When Tyler saw the smile for the first time he was surprised by how a change in facial expression could change how someone looked. Josh always looked attractive but when he smiled... Tyler found it impossible to find the words to describe how Josh looked when he smiled.

Having that smile aimed at him was overwhelming, it was like staring at the sun but he was unable to drag his gaze away.

"Erm how about as a thank you I make you some breakfast?" Tyler asked after he was finally able to speak coherently.

"Well I'm not going to turn down food." Josh replied and Tyler smiled once again.

'Why did I avoid him? He makes me feel lighter just being around him.' Tyler thought before pushing the blanket off of him and stood up from the bed. He stretched his arms above him head and moaned when he felt his stiff muscles stretch and he his joints click.

Tyler the turned to face Josh and was confused to see him staring at him with a blush covering his face. He just shrugged it off and began making his way towards the bedroom door.

"Are pancakes okay with you?" He shouted across the apartment as he made his way into the kitchen.

A few moments later Josh strolled into the kitchen and leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Pancakes sound great." Josh enthused smiling.

So Tyler began to make the pancakes while talking to josh and before he knew it they were sitting down at the table with their stacks of pancakes and cups of coffee.

"I don't know how you can drink that." Tyler scrunched his nose at Josh's coffee that was probably more sugar than coffee at that point.

Josh then brought the cup up the his lips and hummed after having a long gulp of the drink.

"I don't understand how you can drink that." He replied tilting his head towards Tyler's own cup of delicious black coffee.

"Because it's as black as my soul and nearly as bitter." Tyler quipped before taking a drink.

The rest of breakfast went like that. Chatting and cracking jokes with each other, you would think that they had been friends for years instead of only just starting to talk the night before.

As they both finished eating their breakfast and stood up to go to their separate bedrooms to get ready for the day, Tyler wrapped his arms around Josh neck.

"Thanks again for staying with me last night, even though we've barely talked." He whispered before leaning back and kissing Josh on the cheek.

Tyler then let go and made his way towards his bedroom with a smile on his face.

'I'm definitely going to make an effort to talk to him from now on.' He thought to himself as he remembered the sound of Josh's laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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