Chapter Nine

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I sat hunched over on the bench next to Cy, staring at the door. The nurse had already called two participants, and the rest of us were on the edge of our seats waiting for the next name to be called. The research floor of the Protonet building had been turned into a temporary hospital, and it was there that we would undergo the superhuman procedures. Butterflies pricked the inside of my stomach; my heart felt light and heavy at the same time. Today was the day I would walk through that door and come out a superhuman.

I clutched a crinkly folded paper in my sweaty hands. It was a note I had found in my jeans that morning. I had read it at least a dozen times already, but I read it again. The words somewhat eased my anxiety.

Good luck, Xan! You're the boss!

For years my sister had written me notes of encouragement and hidden them in places she'd know I'd look. More than once she had stuck them on my phone. I quickly got the hidden memo and cut down on my screen time.

"Cassandra." The nurse's voice cut through my thoughts. The second hyena (the first had already been called) stood and followed her through the door. I stuffed the note into my pocket; the paper crinkled loudly. A few of the participants glared at me, as if they were offended by my interruption of the sacred silence of the waiting room. Brynn smiled at me though and I smiled back, hoping to conceal my nervousness.

"Brynn." Her smile vanished and she stood up almost robotically. As she left the room, I watched her back and wondered what she would look like with wings spreading from her shoulder blades. A genuine, intrigued smile spread across my face at the thought.

Within an hour, all but two of us had been called. Lumberjack and myself remained. When Flip's turn had come, he'd reluctantly pried his fingers away from Rose's, mouthed the words "I love you" to her, and left. Sunshine had giggled delightedly and hopped from her seat to follow the nurse. And Cy had shot me a thumbs-up, whispered "see you on the other side" and strolled away with more confidence than the rest of us put together. Now Lumberjack and I sat on opposite sides of the room, thoughtfully - or perhaps anxiously - silent.

"Xander." My heart skipped at the sound of my name. I slowly left the bench, my legs feeling like two concrete pillars. I wanted to move but my body did not. Straightening to my full height, I forced myself to move forward and wiped my sweaty palms against my shirt. Before I walked through the door, I looked back at Lumberjack. He shrugged and grinned.

"Somebody has to be last."

I smiled, then turned and followed the nurse into the hall.


The nurse pushed the door open wide, and I stepped into the small gray room. If I stretched out my arms from side to side, I could touch the walls. The only decorations were a mirror and a few wooden shelves jutting from the wall corners.

"Change into those," the nurse pointed to a dull green bundle and plastic ID bracelet lying on a low shelf. "Open the door when you're finished."

She shut the door rather loudly, leaving me to act upon her instructions. I picked up the bundle and unfolded it to find it was a hospital gown. I stared rather self consciously in the mirror at my own clothes, then stripped off my jeans and t-shirt and pulled the gown over my head. My nose wrinkled at its awful hand-san odor. I rolled up my clothes, tucked the bundle under my arm and took one more look in the mirror. I looked and felt like an inmate in an asylum.

I opened the door. The nurse cocked her head at me. "You ready?"

I nodded and she led me further down the hall, through swinging doors and past a few nurses and doctors dressed in scrubs. We arrived in a room much like the one I'd sat in during my orientation with Corbin. The nurse told me to wait, that a doctor would come shortly, then she closed the door behind me. I sat on the edge of the only chair in the room and waited.

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