Chapter 3

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"I want to see you" John said.

"Why would you want to see me?"

"I wanna see who I've been sharing my life with, go to a mirror, I'll go to one as well" John offered.

Sherlock sighed and went to his bedroom, a mirror on the wall with broken glass in one corner.

He had his eyes shut and kept them shut, self consciously brushing any lint off his trousers and straightening his blazer and collar, he tried to flatten his hair but failed dreadfully.

"You at a mirror yet?" John asked.

"Yes, you?"


Open your eyes Sherlock then you can see me as well" John said in a teasing voice to which Sherlock slowly opened his eyes.

John was then greeted by the impressive sight of Sherlock, he was tall and slim but not unhealthy slim, he was pale but with a rosy glow to his cheeks and lips, Cupid bow lips. He had sharp cheekbones and technicolor eyes with silky chocolate brown curls hanging loosely around his head. His legs were long and narrow but they looked strong and he had neatly pressed black trousers and dress shoes.

Sherlock was wearing a purple shirt under his black blazer and started to wring his hands nervously as he knew John was staring at him and he felt like he was being judged on how he looked but he knew John wasn't like that.

"Can I see you yet?" Sherlock asked nervously, looking hopefully at his reflection knowing John could see him perfectly.

"Yeah sure um--wow" John said with a sigh as he closed he opened his own eyes and Sherlock closed his.

Sherlocks vision was black for a second but then he saw color, he took in the room around him, the photo pinned to the mirror that must have been John and his sister but then he saw John and he was speechless.

John had sandy blonde hair, going slightly grey but he didn't look old he looked the exact opposite, his skin was slightly tanned and he wore a crooked smile along his thin lips. He was broad shouldered and probably around a half foot shorter than Sherlock but he looked kind and warm hearted.

He was wearing a simple blue plaid shirt that hung along his muscled frame and deep blue jeans with some cream coloured leather shoes. He dressed older than he was but he was made to look younger this way.

"I never knew what you looked like" John admitted, "I always wanted to know, all I've ever had was your deep
Baritone voice.

"All I've ever had is your soft one"

"I wish I could see you in person" john said with a sigh.

"Maybe one day you will dear Watson" Sherlock replied, swallowing down his blush. "Anyway I'm nothing special"

"Don't say that, your gorgeous" John muttered, a blush creeping along his neck and cheeks.

"Says the most handsome man I've ever seen" Sherlock said with a now cherry blush creeping along his pale face.

"Okay now I know your lying" John laughed.

"Am not! I'm a terrible liar John" Sherlock defended.

"Yeah well.." John trailed off unsure of what to say, "shall we call it a night?"

"Yeah it's getting pretty late, night John" Sherlock whispered softly.

"Goodnight Sher" john whispered back as Sherlock opened his eyes and undressed into his pajamas, then climbed into bed.

Sherlock fell into a dreamless sleep, he was unbelievably happy but he couldn't tell anyone otherwise he'd probably be put into a mental institution.

John fell asleep thinking of Mr.Holmes, the man with the impossible beauty and chocolate curls.

The only thing they both wished for however was that they could see each other properly, feel each other without the pain always being involved.

Through Your Eyes (a johnlock AU)Where stories live. Discover now