Chapter One

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Hey! really short authors note! This is for my friend/wifee for our anniversary! She's super in love with Niall Horan so I have to write this for her! Also just to clear the air: One Direction is a real band but this is a fictional story with some fictional characters and situations. Also One Direction is the best band in the history of the world. Just to make that clear. :) It might start off without 1D for a little bit but don't worry, they'll be in the book! ;)

Chapter One

I flopped on to my empty bed and pulled the covers over my head. Another sleepless night, I think. I twisted and scrunched until I was wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. 

"UHG!!" I groaned. I flung the covers off my body and curled up on my right side. Finally a little bit comfortable in a small little ball I started to doze off, then I heard an Irish accent from behind me say,

"Need a little help falling asleep?" I smiled and looked over my left shoulder. There lay my beautiful husband, Niall. He wrapped his strong arms around me.

"Niall, are you--" I started to say.

"Naked? Yes, and so are you." He leaned in to kiss my lips when-- 

"MARISSA! Get up!!" My roommate stood there, shaking my shoulders. 

"We have work today! And we actually get to see each other!" She clapped her hands excitedly. She gave me one last warning look then turned around and walked out. My gaze lingered where her blonde hair swished out of my room. 

I swung my legs over the edge of my bed and stretched my arms to the ceiling. I ran over to my desk chair with some clothes laying on it. I know, I know, picking your clothes out the night before is so middle school. But today is special! See, I'm a journalist and today I get to visit this really cool t.v. show and do a 'behind the scenes' thing. But the best part is that my roommate, Haley, is staring in the show!


I quickly got dressed and ran into the kitchen. Just to give you a visual of how big our house is, my last house was the size of our kitchen. I'm not even exaggerating. 

"Hey what do you want for breakfast?" Haley asked while piling more bacon on a large plate. My mouth started to water at the sight of french toast, bacon, and eggs.

"I'll take what your having." I said while sliding in to a bar stool. I tapped my fingers on the granite breakfast bar. She placed a big plate full of food in front of me. I started shoveling food into my mouth as she sat a big glass of orange juice next to my plate. I gave her a closed mouth smile.

"I really need to keep my eye on you! You could probably eat all of Los Angeles!" She laughed and sat down in the stool next to me. We ate and chatted for about fifteen minutes.

"Oh crap we've better get going if we don't want to get killed!" I said while putting our dishes in the sink. We grabbed our stuff and headed to the garage. I slid into the driver's seat of my blue Mercedes.

"Can I ride with you, since we are going to the same place today?" Haley asked, sliding into the passengers seat. I nodded and started the car. I pulled out of the driveway and started in the direction of the studio. I heard Haley's phone ding as she got a text message.

"Oh! It's from my manager. Today at your shoot..blah blah will have a special guest...blah blah....One Direction! OH MY GOD!! MARISSA!! One Direction is going to be on my show!! You get to interview them!!" I stopped the car at a red light and whipped my head around so our eyes meat. She was wearing the same expression as mine, stoked.

"I get to meet Harry.." She said dreamily. I chuckled a little.

"I get to meat Niall!" I thought of my dream. Okay, I'm never telling anyone about that. I pressed on the gas when the light turned green. What am I going to say when I see them? Should I shake his hand or just wave to him? Do I talk in a British accent? No, that would be embarrassing. 

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