Someone new

199 8 3

Elijah's POV
I woke up in be bed expecting y/n to be there but I remembered that she was in the hospital. I sighed and got out of bed noticing I was still wearing the clothes I wore when Ethan and I talked last night. I grabbed some clean clothes and went into the bathroom showering quickly. I got out of the shower changing then went back into my room picking up my phone noticing y/n had texted me
Y-hey the doctors just came in and said I'm going home today!
E-omg! y/n that's great!
Y-I know! I'm so excited to see you!
E-I'm on my way to the hospital now with everyone else
Y-alright I'll start getting my stuff together
I set down my phone smiling and ran out of my room waking up everyone else telling them the good news. They all got up and got ready and soon we were all out the door.

We arrived at the hospital around 10:30 and I hurried up to y/n's room with the guys close behind me. I reached her room and saw her standing by her bed texting someone. Once I got into the room she threw her phone onto the bed and I hugged her feeling her hug me back tightly "hey baby" we broke apart laughing "hey, you look so much better" I kissed her forehead "thanks, I felt better too" she replied back then went and hugged everyone else.

I noticed Sub was on his phone texting someone but I didn't think too much about it so I turned back to y/n "is all your stuff ready?" She nodded "yeah I'm just waiting for the doctor to come give me the papers to sign so I can officially leave this place" I wrapped my arm around her siting on her bed "I'm glad you're okay baby" she smiled resting her head on my shoulder "I am too, now we can go to our house and be together" we sat there for a while talking with everyone else when finally a doctor came in and gave y/n a paper to sign.

After y/n signed the paper the doctor let us go and I grabbed y/n small bag carrying it and holding her hand as we all walked out of the hospital. We all piled into a car heading back home, I drove to the pals house first to drop off everyone and decided to hang out there for a while before leaving to go to y/n and my house.

When we had all gotten comfortable on the couch I noticed Sub was on his phone texting someone again "Sub, who are you texting?" He looked up "Lizzie" I was confused "Lizzie?" He nodded "yeah she's my girlfriend" we all sat there shocked "Sub has a girlfriend?!" Denis said shocked and he looked up "alright calm down everyone, yes I have a girlfriend. She is really cute and amazing" I suddenly bursted out laughing and everyone looked at me "I'm sorry but this is just so funny" I stopped laughing and stayed quiet for a while.

Braden looked at Sub "so how long have you two been dating?" Sub set his phone down looking up at Braden "actually we officially started dating last night" y/n smiled "what does she look like? What is she like? Does she live near us?" I quieted her "okay enough questions" she quieted down and we all let Sub talk "well like I said before her name is Lizzie and she has curly brown hair with hazel eyes and freckles on her cheeks" y/n squeezed and I smiled down at her "someone is excited" we all laughed "Sub she sounds amazing" Denis said and Sub smiled "yeah she's perfect" we all talked a bit more then I sighed "well it's time y/n and I got home"

They all stood up and hugged us before y/n and I left heading to our house. We arrived around 6:20pm and decided to watch a movie before heading to bed. I sat on the couch and y/n laid down putting her head in my lap. I smiled down at her running my fingers through her hair then turned on the movie. The movie ended at 8:55pm, I turned off the tv and noticed y/n had fallen asleep. Since I didn't want to wake up I just grabbed a pillow and put it behind me and closed my eyes.

It took me a while to fall asleep but eventually I started dozing off and eventually fell asleep.
Hope you all liked this chapter :)

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