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Your POV
I sat up quickly looking around breathing heavily. Elijah woke up and looked up at me "what's wrong?" He sat up wrapping his arm around me. I sighed rubbing my eyes "nightmare, nothing much let's get back to sleep" he kissed my cheek then laid down and I laid down in his arms feeling comforted. I tried falling asleep but wasn't able to so I just laid there waiting for Elijah to fall asleep so I could get up and go outside for some fresh air but he stayed awake "y/n?" I heard him whisper my name and I turned around facing him "yes Elijah?"

He frowned at me "why aren't you asleep?" I smiled "I could ask you the same thing" he kissed my nose "I want to make sure you get some sleep for once, you are always awake so early" I rolled my eyes "Elijah you know that I don't like when you talk about this" I turned away but he pulled me back to face him "y/n you need sleep" I pulled away from him turning over again "don't worry about it Elijah just go to sleep" I heard him give a long sign then heard him flip over facing away from me.

In the morning I got up early once again noticing Elijah had fallen asleep. I left his bedroom remembering last night about how he wanted me to get more sleep. It bothered me when he told me that, I get enough sleep. I went into the kitchen grabbing some cereal, milk, and a bowl. I sat at the counter eating while checking my notifications when Elijah came downstairs "what time did you wake up?" I slammed my phone down on the counter "Elijah I don't want to talk about this!" I looked at him and saw him walking over to me.

I got up and started walking away but he grabbed my wrist holding it tight "y/n I just want to know what time you got up!" I tried struggling away from him "why do you care so much?! I can sleep when I want to and wake up when I want to!" He started raising his voice and I could tell he was angry "because it's my job to care about you and make sure you are okay! I want to make sure you are getting enough sleep y/n!" I finally got my wrist free and turned to face him "I'm perfectly fine Elijah! Just stay out of my business right now okay?!" I ran outside into my car before he could grab my wrist again and drove off.

I didn't know where I was going but I knew I needed to go somewhere to help get my mind off things, the bar. I did a quick U-Turn heading back towards the nearest bar arriving soon. I turned off my car heading inside and sitting at the bar. A guy came up and asked what I wanted "anything, just make sure it's strong" he nodded and passed a shot glass down to me filled with clear liquid and I downed it quickly and before I knew what I was doing I had downed 7 shots.

I couldn't control my actions anymore I was so drunk so I just kept downing more and more shots until he guy refused to give me any more because I had drank so much. I slammed my fist into the table and got out of my seat falling onto a guy. He caught me and held me up "whoa there girl you okay?" I tried balancing but it was no use "yeah" my words were slurred and I could tell it was hard for the guy to understand me. He sat me back in the bar chair and sat in the one next to me "how many shots have you had?" I tried to remember but I wasn't able to so I just shrugged.

He looked me up and down then grabbed my hand looking at my ring "why are you here getting drunk if you have a husband?" I just shrugged again "you obviously can't control your actions very well. What if you do something this guy doesn't want you to do? Does he even know where you are?" I grunted shaking my head and heard my phone ding. The guy grabbed it before I could "who is Elijah?" I managed to get out the words "my boyfriend" and the guy raised an eyebrow at me "so you two aren't engaged yet" I shook my head.

He started typing but I didn't care at the moment
(G-guy E-Elijah)
E-y/n where are you I'm worried
G-um hi this isn't y/n it's some guy at the bar she's at. Y/N is drunk so I'm typing for her who are you?
E-omg no I caused this, we got into a fight and I just made it worse and now she's drunk probably kissing a bunch of guys
G-no no I'm making sure she doesn't, I noticed he ring on her finger so I'm keeping a close eye on her for you.
E-omg thank you so much do you know what bar you are at? I need to come get her
G-yeah the bar is called the pub I'll bring her outside and wait with her there so she doesn't run off
E-thank you so much sir I'll be there soon
G-no problem
End of conversation
I felt the guy grab my arm then pick me up carrying me outside and setting me down while still holding onto my arm. After about 20 minutes of waiting outside with him I saw Elijah's car pull up besides us and Elijah get out running over to me. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly "omg y/n I'm sorry for fighting with you, this is all my fault" I was still pretty drunk so I just hugged him back and let him and the guy talk for a while then felt Elijah put me into his car and buckle me up.

He got into the drivers seat and drove off after calling a tow truck to get my car and bring it to our house for him. We arrived back home and Elijah carried me inside and up to our room laying me in bed "just rest okay? I'll get a bucket for when you have to throw up" he ran downstairs ten came back with a bucket which I used almost instantly to throw up in then set it onto the nightstand beside the bed. Elijah crawled into bed beside me wrapping his arm around me while I slowly dosed off until finally I was sound asleep.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter :)

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