Chapter 5: My alpha. My Master.

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I locked the door on my way out of the house with my fox. We walked down the brown wood steps from our house and headed into the direction of the forest. I was so excited to go on this date with him and it was really straining me to keep it inside! I looked down and noticed my beta grabbed my hand and I smiled seeing how he was getting a little closer to me. The sun was setting as we walked deeper into the forest. The breeze went by blowing leaves and making rustling sounds in the trees. The air was so pure and fresh so I took a few deep inhales and smiled again because this was bliss. Just me and my lover walking together, a night in the forest, and everything was going well. "Can you find some wood for me babe?" I said cheerfully hoping he was listening. Naruto looked at me and then looked at the tree next to me and for a moment I thought he was going to punch me and I closed my eyes and heard a loud thump. I looked next to me and saw that the former tree was reduced to logs ready for our fire and I laughed aloud at how stupid I just acted. "Wow I thought you were gonna hit me I'm so fuckin stupid" and the blonde retorted, "Haha yeah I know I missed." The smiles both left our faces simultaneously and then after a few seconds we just started laughing together and fell on the ground and decided to cuddle and start the fire.
I opened our bag and noticed there was only one pillow and knowing that sleeping together on the ground with no neck support was uncomfortable, I knew instantly that I would be giving it to my beta. I could suffer a night for his comfort <3 So I pulled it out and laid it under his head.

Kiba laid the pillow under my head as I leaned my head up and back down on the soft comfiness thankfully. "Where is yours" I noticed he didn't pull one out for himself. "Haha well it looks like we only pack one pillow so I decided to give it to you love" my alpha said sweetly. Internally my heart just exploded but externally I just turned red as hell. "Well I don't wanna take it all for myself babe" I said half-heartedly. "I mean we could try and share it" the inuzuka said. If you have ever tried to share one pillow with someone, no matter who they are, it is kind of hard to do. I let him have the other half and I cuddled right up into his body as he pulled a blanket over us. The fire was still going strong into the night. The darkness in the sky was consumed and lit only by the moon and we both looked at it and enjoyed the nature in silence. We were in our peace together. I realized that we spent most of our time tonight just walking deep into the forest and were tired and just laid down by our little fire. Most people might consider it uneventful, but I appreciate the smaller things in life and anything that I can do with him is another reason I want to be alive. I love my alpha so much.

I was starting to get drowsy and I noticed my brown-haired male was getting into his what I like to call "nightly mating mood". His eyes were dilated in pleasure, drooping and staring at me with a smile. His fang-like teeth were sharper and there was a bit of doggy drool escaping the corner of his mouth. The combination of these things turned me the fuck on so goddamn much and not to mention he was holding me very possessively tight. My heart started beating faster and I leaned very close to his face and licked up his drool that had been escaping. "God Kiba, I love you so much" out of nowhere a few tears slipped down my face and I fully embraced my boyfriend wrapping myself into his neck. Kiba hugged me tighter and smiled into my neck. I could feel it. "You know how much I live for you naruto, you are my motivation and purpose in life. I love you so deeply that the very thought of not being with you scares me like a whimpering puppy." I knew Kiba loved me but he had never said something that deep to me before...
"I didn't know you cared for me that much...*grips Kiba stronger* thank you..."

I looked back at him after hearing myself say that out loud. (Inner self) "What the fuck did you just say that outloud stupid Kiba!!! I can't believe I feel that way but like it's not like you were lying to him... Gosh fuck, I hope he doesn't think I'm being clingy or something now..."
"I didn't know you cared for me that much...*grips me stronger* thank you..." (Inner self) Did you just hear that??? He didn't freak out, in fact he's okay and loves you back just as much! Score!!!
Okay okay, enough with all the deep stuff I am gonna turn into maple syrup with how sappy I am getting! "That was a lame ass joke Keebes."
I look at Naruto and he sits back smiling. This time he really fucking did that on purpose. He just wants that punishment now.. He wants me to fuck his butt so bad.
I realize how feral and overly hormonal I am right now when I notice my fangs and erection. "Okay bitch I'll let that go because now you just want me to punish you and that's taking too much advantage so it's not happening" I say smiling. "However I am horny as fuck and there's no hiding it" I say scratching my now aching erection through my pants. "So I don't know what to do... ugh..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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