25. Michael, Jason, & Freddie.

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A week and a half since I got injured. A week and a half since I was last out of the house. I haven't been to school, no practices, no contact with the outside world. Okay, okay, that last one is a lie. I've had contact with people. I have been slowly losing my mind, I am so freakin bored.

What sucks is it's Halloween today. Now normally I would be going to a party but I'm still not allowed to do anything fun. Or you know anything that involves me leaving the house. I would be completely bummed if I had to spend the night sulking over how my life took a complete 180 in the blink of an eye. But thankfully I have some great friends. Bryce, Avery, and Harry agreed to come to my house and have a scare-a-thon with me so I won't be all alone.

Although, I did have to promise them that I would have Monica make us snacks and treats for the marathon. When I asked Monica she obliged after I gave her the puppy dog face, I've been giving her that since I was nine. It's a classic move. My three friends also agreed to spend the night at my house, for Avery that's a normal. Bryce and Harry are first timers sleeping over.

Hey, if Bryce wants a cuddle session, I am totally game.

Bryce has come over to visit me as often as he can. No, he hasn't skipped anymore school but he will come over afterwards sometimes with Timmy, other times by himself. I'll help him with his homework and he is surprisingly good at giving me a back massage. When he brings Timmy, the three of us will always end up playing Mario Kart. I enjoy their company.

I hear the doorbell ring snapping me out of my thoughts, "I'll get it Monica!" I yell to her from the living room.

When I get to the front door and open it I see that its Bryce, he promised to come over earlier to help set up. I'm moving around a little better but it is still hard.

"Hey, come on in." I greet him with a smile. We stuck to the tradition that Avery, Beth and I started for a sleepover: comfy clothes for the win. Bryce definitely followed the dress code; black nike sweat pants and a white t-shirt that says Happy Halloween in blood on the front. Harry thought it would be funny if we all had matching t-shirts for our scare-a-thon. He also said it would make a great Instagram post.

"Hey. How are you doing?" Bryce has been asking me that same question every time he sees me. He will even text me in the morning and ask it. Strangely, I haven't found it annoying yet.

"Pretty good." I simply say. The both of us walk into the living room, "Alright, let's make this living room into a comfy movie theater." I state clapping my hands.

"Lets do this." Bryce shares the same enthusiasm.

It takes us a total of forty-five minutes to transform my living room into a comfy movie theater. There are pillows, blankets, more pillows, and even more blankets. We even dimmed the lights to make it more scarier. Hopefully Avery and Harry don't see it as an opportunity to make out. Bryce and I made a rule that those two weren't allowed to make out or something else during this sleep over.

Avery and Harry arrive and now we are all in the kitchen trying not to drool all over the snacks and treats Monica made. From brownies to cookies to candy, to pizza, punch, fruit, cheese and crackers and so much more. God, I love my housekeeper/chef.

"Wow!" The four of us say in unison.

"Guys, fill your plates and lets get this scare-a-thon going!" I exclaim.

"Wait! We need pics of all of this amazing stuff and one in our matching shirts before Bryce spills something on his." Harry states.

"Heyy, I do not spill stuff on myself that often." Bryce says crossing his arms over his chest.

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