Notes from the Roads : Visit to the land of American Gods Untitled Part 1

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"We do not go into ceremony to talk about God. We go into ceremony to talk With God"- this quote of a famous Red Indian chief made me curious about Native American Gods. It inspired me to travel across three Americas in last few years when I became familiar with these words : Kukulkahn & Quetzquell , Virakocha , Tsechenako & Kachina . These strange words are the names of Gods: the American gods - worshipped by thousands of people in the western hemisphere even today. If one god is believed to rise from the depth of canyon , other god descends from the sky in the form of a giant feathery snake to create life & civilization on earth.

Tsechenako (also known as the Spider goddess) & Kachinas are the deities of Grand canyon in North America worshipped by Red Indian tribes in Mojave desert . Kukulkan & Quetzquell are the mysterious gods in Mexican Jungle of Central America, worshipped by Mayans & Aztecs for centuries. And Virakocha is the god of Incas in South America believed to emerge from high mountain lake in Peru who first created Giants & then destroyed them to create humans on earth.

I have travelled across three Americas, from Mexican gulf in the east to Peruvian pacific in the west , explored Mojave deserts of United states in the north to the Andean mountains of Peru in south . In my long journey I could experience and admire the beauty of this Land of American gods and also the awesome human creations – created by the ancient Americans who believed in these gods. While exploring these extraordinary creations and interacting with local people & their cultures, many questions appeared in my mind which made me more curious. I searched internet, read books, talked to informed people but did not get convincing answers to most of my questions .

What technique the Incas used to create unbelievable stone works with drilling holes at Quoricancha temple in Peru ? How they built spectacular Machupichu city ( the lost city in the cloud) on the top of ragged mountains and after some time why they suddenly abandoned it ? Who taught the Mayans those mind-blowing light & sound effect that they applied in Chichen itza pyramid one thousand years back? No one could explain me the meaning of concentric circles & mysterious human figures on the desert rocks scattered all over southwest USA which were drawn by the prehistoric Ansazi Red Indians . Who were these Ansazi people(also known as 'Ancient strangers' in local dialect) and why they mysteriously disappeared from American history thousand year back? I saw the 3D representation of these same concentric circles far away in the south, in the valley of Peru, in south America. Here it is a set of huge perfect circles, occupying the whole valley constructed by Incas centuries ago. Why and how they built these circles, still remains as a mystery. Why Incas used to worship only the dark part in the Milkyway Galaxy instead of the bright stars – did they know the existence of dark matter & dark energy of the universe?

During my long journey I travelled to a Mexican village of Mayan descendants. There I was surprised to witness some of their ancient rituals which are exactly similar to the rituals practised by Nepalese & Indians on other side of the globe. While travelling in Peru I learnt about a mysterious lake located in high Andes mountains which is so huge that there are 42 big floating islands which are completely man made- made by ancient Peruvian tribes thousand years ago . And interestingly this is the lake from where their god Virakocha was believed to appear.

I attempted to share all my fascinating experiences in this book hoping that it will make my readers as curious as myself about these great lands , the people & ....their Gods!

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