Chapter 1 ~ On a holiday to London.

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“You’re not going to London!” “Why are you so overprotective?! It’s not that I’m all by myself, Sara is coming with me. And it’s only for a week!” “I don’t  want to lose you! Your brother went to New York for a week with his friend and we never saw him again, did we?!” “That was 2 years ago! And how big is the chance that that’ll happen to me? I’m going to London, not New York! Please mum!” “I’ll think about it, Jade. Now go to bed!” “Allright….. Good night mum!” I walked up upstairs, and dropped myself on my bed. I texted Sara;

>Hey! My mum says she’s gonna think about it. Xx Love you<

>Mine said that too! Xx Love you more.<

I put my mobile on my nightstand and tried to fall asleep.

The next morning I went downstairs at 2pm, I’m not really a morning person, and found plane tickets on our dinner table. My mother already went to work, but she left a note with it. ‘I thought about it, and I think you should go.’ I jumped up and down and texted Sara again;

>I can go, OMG. My mum already bought the plane tickets! Xx<

>No way! My mum just said she’s gonna buy some tickets for me! Yay!<

> OMG I’m so happy!!! Xx<

>My mum bought tickets for Friday!<

>No! my mum bought them for tomorrow!<

>Sorry! I guess you have to live in London alone for two days. :S X<

> WHAT?! You know I can’t stand being alone!<

>I’m really sorry sweetie Xx<

> It’s okay… I guess :’( X<

It was already hard enough to leave my mum alone for a week, but now I have to all by myself!

>How late are you leaving tomorrow? Xx S<

>1 pm why?<

>We can watch 1D’s interview before you go! :D X<

>Haha, allright, how late is it?<

>at 10am :S but you’ll watch It with me right? Nobody will be at home, and I don’t feel like watching it alone! And afterwards I’m going over to Dave’s house!<

>Aren’t you coming with me to the airport?!<

>No, sorry… But will you watch the interview with me?!<

>Yeah.. Sure…<

>Don’t be mad at me pleaseeee! Xx<

>I’m not, I’m not!<

>Okay, that’s a relieve :S. Love you, see you tomorrow! X<

>See you tomorrow XX<

I continued the day sitting on the couch with my laptop on my lap, watching tv, wearing my PJ’s. I heard my mum coming in at 5.30 and I gave her a hug as soon as she walked in. “Thanks for the plane tickets mum!” “You’re welcome my dear. I hope you have a lot of fun in London. Unfortunately I can’t bring you to the airport tomorrow, but you know how to get there, don’t you?” “Yes, I know…” She walked into the kitchen to prepare some dinner. “Why are you still in your pajamas?” “I just didn’t feel like changing.” “Allright.” 

I watched tv for a while and then it was time for dinner. After dinner I went upstairs, I went on twitter for a while and then tried to fall asleep. If you go to bed early, it won’t take that long till the next day starts.

I woke up at 6am, really early compared to the day before, haha. I tried to fall back asleep ut it didn’t work. 

at 9.30 the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw Sara with a big smile on her face. “Hey!”She yelled and she gave me hug. “Hi! Why are you so happy?” I said. “I don’t know! Haha!” After half an hour of talking we watched the interview with one direction. I didn’t like them that much but Sara did, and it was fun to see her fangirling over them all the time. 

interviewer; “Allright, so what’s your favorite thing about Holland?”

Niall; “The food.”

“OMG hahahahaha!” Sara suddenly bursted out in laughter, and I cracked up aswell, but not because of them but because of the way Sara was laughing.

Interviewer; “How late are you guys leaving?”

Niall; “I don’t even know, when are we leaving?”

harry; “I think are plane leaves at about 1pm?”

Liam; “Yeah, that’s right!”

interviewer; “Do you always sit in like private areas or do you have your own plane or something?”

Harry; “Well… Normally we have a private area, but last time we went with a helicopter which was also really nice.”

Zayn; “I heard we’re sitting in business class this time.”

Louis; “Ow yeah, I heard that too!”

“OMG OMG, maybe you’ll be in the same plane as them, that would be so cool!!!!” Sara yelled. “Haha, I don’t think so, there are probably many plane’s leaving at the same time.” “But still! Oh my gooooood! That would be amazing!”

After the commercial break they were singing one of their songs. Sara was going crazy! It was really funny!

“So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

And you've got that one thing!”

She sang, it actually sounded more like yelling, but yeah.

After the interview Sara went to her boyfriend Dave, and I quickly grabbed my stuff and went to the airport.

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