Chapter 3 ~ A night to remember.

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After ten more minutes a taxi arrived, and I saw Liam getting out of it. The look in is eyes made the waiting all worth it. “Hey.” He said. “Hi!” He gave me a kiss on my cheek, I blushed, god, I hate it when I do that, but I couldn’t help myself. “Are you ready?” He asked. “Yes I am, but where are we going?” “You’ll see, we’re going out for dinner first.” We walked over to the cab, and the boys had already got out of it. “I think it’s better if we walk to Nando’s.” Niall said. Nando’s is favorite restaurant, Sara told me. She always tells me everything about them, even though I normally don’t care that much, I didn’t know I’d ever need it.

“NANDO’S HERE WE COME” Niall shouted, he made some kind of superman move which looked really funny. I got really cold, I didn’t know where we were going so I didn’t not bring a jacket or a coat or anything. I was shivering… “Are you cold?” Liam asked. I looked at him, I didn’t notice till now, that he had beautiful eyes, they looked like chocolate, I nodded slightly. He pulled me closer and put his coat around me, it was really soft and warm. I slowly moved my head and let it rest on his shoulder. I looked up and smiled at him, he smiled back, I couldn’t really believe that I was actually here. “We’re here.” Louis said, Niall grabbed his hand and dragged him into the restaurant. We got lead to our table, I sat on the opposite of Liam, and next to Niall and Louis. The waitress walked towards our table. “Hello, I’m Cindy. I’ll be your waitress for tonight. Have you decided what to drink?” She smiled brightly. She actually looked really nice, she had short blond hair put together in a loose bun, which made her look casual, and grayish eyes. “4 beers, a wine and a coke please.” Liam ordered. We all nodded, and Cindy wrote it down. She smiled and walked away. I looked at Niall and realized that they would look really cute together. “You two would be a great couple.” I said. He blushed and looked down, which looked really really cute. “You should get her number.” Harry added and he nodded. “I would, but I’m too shy.” “Aaaaahw” We all said together and I noticed that Louis was smirking, I think he was on to something. Cindy came back with the drinks, and gave them to us. “Ready to order some food?” “No, but this man here. Wants your number.” Louis said while he was pointing to Niall, at first he didn’t look specifically happy with it, but after Cindy had put her number on a piece of paper and gave it to him, he looked pretty happy. We ordered our food, and after waiting for a while Cindy came to bring it to us. It was delicious. I suddenly felt Liam’s leg against mine, I looked up and smiled at him. I felt butterflies in my stomach, which I never had before. He placed his hand on top of mine, which was lying next to my plate. I felt that I was blushing again and ate further. When we were all done eating, the boys were all talking about some stuff which I couldn’t understand cause my thoughts were set on something completely different, Liam. We were just staring into each other’s eyes, and we didn’t say a word. I think I’m falling in love…

We walked out of Nando’s. “Now I understand why you like Nando’s so much Niall, the chicken was delicious!” I said. “Told ya!” he replied. “What are we gonna do now?” I still didn’t know… “We’re going to the London eye!” Louis yelled, he seemed very excited, I was a bit scared when he said it, because I have a fear of heights, but I was really excited at the same time. “But that’s like really expensive, right?” “Don’t worry, we’ll pay!” Harry replied. “No way! How much is it?” “Well, we booked a wine capsule that cost 500, so that’ll be like almost 100 for you.” “Okay never mind, forger I said that…” I laughed nervously, I didn’t want them to pay for me, but 100 pounds is a lot. I got really cold again, and I guess Liam noticed that. “Do you need my coat again?” He asked. “That’d be nice.” I said quietly. He put his coat around me again, and he grabbed my hand. I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine. I let my head rest on his shoulder again . I wish this moment would last forever.

We were standing in front of the London eye, I looked up. “Oh my god.”I said quietly, it was just so high, I got kinda scared. The  boys ran inside the cabine. “Come!”Liam said, and we followed them. We sat down. “You look gorgeous tonight.” Liam whispered to me. I looked at him and smiled. “Thank you, you look good too.” I whispered back, which was actually a really stupid thing to say, but allright. He smiled back at me. After a while Liam grabbed my hand, pulled me up and we walked towards the windows. I guess we were almost at the top. “Do you like London so far?” he asked me. “Yes, but only because of you.” I replied, it was true. If I haven’t met him, I’d probably be alone in my hotel room by now, or walking through the streets all by myself. He put his arm around my waist. We looked at the view together, it was breathtaking. All the lights from the tiny lamppost, and coming out of the tiny little houses, the little cars driving through the streets. I completely forgot about the fact that I was scared, and enjoyed the view. His left hand slowly moved over to my hip and he placed is right hand on the other one. At first WE were just looking into each other’s eyes, but then we came closer to each other, I closed my eyes, it was a perfect moment. Our first kiss… “Nice  view don’t you think?” Louis interrupted. “Uh, yeah Lou, sure.” Liam replied. “Well, that’s great! Just wanted to check, I’ll go back to the boys now…” And he walked away again, towards the boys who were standing on the other side of the cabine, enjoying the view. “Uhm.. Do you, maybe, wanna stay at my place tonight?” Liam asked after Louis was gone. “I don’t know…” At that moment, I didn’t know if it was the right thing to just go with him or to say no, we may be going too fast, but I really like him though. Then again, I hate being on my own, especially in a hotel room. “it has to be better than some cold hotel room, right?” “yeah, that’s right, okay, I’ll stay at your place tonight.” I really wanted to tell Sara now, I promised her to tell everything that happens while she’s not here. “I’m gonna text a friend, I promised to text her whenever I can, is that allright?” I asked. “Yeah, sure, ofcourse!” He replied, I sat down and got my phone out of my pocket.

>hey Sara! You’ll never guess where I am right now! Xx<

>If I’ll never guess it, you might as well just tell me! Xx<

>Haha, okay. I’m in the London eye, with One Direction Xx<


>Yes,  yes I am, you caught me.<

>O god you scared me there, I thought you were having all the fun without me<

>Haha, I am, Liam just asked me if I want to stay at his place tonight and I said   yes :P<


>I know! ^.^<


>I know, haha!<

>You can introduce me to them when I arrive, right?<

>yeah, sure sweetie!<

>Well, I hope the next 2 days are as good as the first one! ;D<

>I bet they will, I’m gonna hang out with the boys<


>Sorry XD<

>Aahh, you’re such a bully ;(<

>Haha, sorry gotta go now ;D Xx<


“So, did you like it?” Niall asked me. “yes, I did, the view was amazing! Thank you so much for taking me you guys!” “No problem, babe!” Louis answered. “Do we have to drop you off?” Zayn asked. “No, I’m gonna sleep at Liam’s place tonight.” “Oooh, on the first date/” harry said. “That’s so unlike you Liam!” Louis added. “Haha, really funny guys.” Liam replied. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable…

We walked into Liam’s house. It was really nice. “Liam, don’t you think this is going to fast?” I asked quietly. “What do you mean?” “I mean that… I just met you, yesterday, and now I’m already staying  at your house, isn’t that, too soon?” “Do you want to go to your hotel?” “No, no, that’s not it, I was just wondering…” He put his hands on my waist, I felt a lot more comfortable because of that. “If you want to slow down just say so, okay?” I nodded, and smiled to him. 

The same story told twice ~ JadeWhere stories live. Discover now