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Jughead is a sweet and selfless guy, and he cares about me, but it seems that he cares about writing more. Now don't get me wrong, I completely support what he's doing, but he just doesn't pay any attention to me anymore. I care about him, but I'm not ready to let myself be second best, especially if it's to a computer. I have to admit, that it's not all his fault. I love attention. I'm an attention whore, and he just wasn't satisfying my needs. So, you could say it was both of our faults.

My mother is a fragile woman. She is my whole world, so when she was admitted into the hospital, it broke me. I was with her every second except for school. I had not time for anything else but my mother. I love her so much and believe that if there was ever a time for me to be single, it's now. When I told Archie, he was understanding, and told me that if I ever needed anything, just to call him.

It's simple, Betty loves Archie. It's not utterly insane for someone to still have feelings for someone else, even if their in a relationship. But just the fact that if Archie ever asked her out she'd probably jump at the chance, and leave me behind, scared me. Of course, Betty would never do that to me, but I didn't no that. So, the only thing that really ruined our relationship, was my anxiety and untrusting nature toward my significant other.

My family was in despair. Hiram Lodge ruined our lives, our business, and our reputation. Everything we had has now been taken from us. My dad is a bit like Hiram, except for the whole financial fraud thing. He was a business man whom has made but one bad decision in his whole life, doing business with Hiram Lodge. It's even worse considering I'm dating his daughter. Or, should I say, was dating his daughter. I care about her, I still do, but do you know how much worse this dilemma would be if I were to date the daughter of the man who screwed us over? A whole lot worse.

I'm a bad kid, who happens to have a reputation at the Sheriffs office. Me and Kevin's relationship was destined for disaster the second it began. It was just such a rush, dating the Sheriffs son. That's not the only reason I did it, but that was the main reason. It became so much more though. Kevin is a wonderful man who deserves so much. So much better than me. So I left him. I made up some stupid excuse that I fell in love with another boy, and I left. I didn't see Kevin's reaction, because I turned away before I could. I want to be with him, but I don't deserve to be with him.

Cheryl is not 'out.' As far as anyone knows, we're best friends who are just really touchy. I want to tell people, I want everyone to know that we're together, but she doesn't want that. She says that her parents, the company, and the school already think so lowly of her, that she can't make it worst. It's sad though, what we had could have been great. I understood what she was going through, but that didn't stop me from calling her a materialistic bitch who only cares about the amount of money her parents let her spend, and then walking away.

I almost forgave him, I almost did. I swear! He looked so sad and innocent. Then he said it. He fucking said,

"She was just so sexy, I couldn't help myself."

If he thinks that that justifies cheating on me, he's got another thing coming. The second he said that my mind was made. If he had no self control then, then he will never have self control. He will cheat on me again, in fact, I wonder how many times he's done it already.
Was this good? It's late and I genuinely can't tell if it is.

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