March 27th, 2015 - Part 1

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 Day 100 - March 27th, 2015 : Morning - Around 9:20 AM (Washington D.C)

Grant was just outside the area of the white house. Ivy had asked him to come here to drop seeds throughout the facility. It seemed a daunting task, but if it would keep her in a good mood, then he would comply. He stood across the street from the facility as he planned this out. There were two guards up front, standing at the entrance with their arms behind their backs, the black shades on. Grant scoffed at the sight of them standing there, though he knew that they weren't the only thing standing between him and his goal.

So as to not start any sort of panic, Grant decided that it'd be better for a stealthful approach. He'd slightly researched a bit on one of the agents standing there at this moment, and decided that he was going to switch places with him for a little while. Grant stood behind a building that had a bit of a gap for an alley way. He pulled out a gun that was filled with blank rounds.

He fired them into the air. He looked to see the men flinch and look toward his direction. As they did, he purposefully whipped his head back quickly behind the corner. Meanwhile, he pulled out a small phone-like device to look through a camera that he had set up. He watched as the men stood there, the one whom he was after, spoke something to his partner, before pulling a pistol out of his jacket-pocket and proceeding as planned.

As the man turned the corner, he saw nothing at first. Then a hand snatched him from the shadows and pulled him into it. Silence followed for a few moments before he walked back out of it again. Grant walked back to the position in which the man was originally standing. The other man's partner looked over at him. "What was that?"

"Some kid with firecrackers trying to pull some sort of prank...It's irrelevant." Grant said, near perfectly mimicking the original man's voice. The other agent just shrugged and stayed in his position. Grant and the man stood there for a few moments. Grant had perfectly planned out the timing as this was around the lower level of the other man's shift. Then, he would be moving inside for the other shift.

Right on cue, two men from the inside came out to relieve the other men from their duties. Grant nodded to them and walked inside of the gates. As he did, he subtly dropped a few seeds on the outside in the grass. After that, he opened the doors and kept walking in the inside. He looked down a hallway as though he were slightly alarmed at something. He then walked down the hall and into the room it lead to and dropped seeds.

As he and his partner scanned through the area by alternating through rooms and areas, Grant dropped seeds along the ground. Eventually, he managed to reach all of the white house. He walked into the oval office where there was a small potted plant on a desk in the corner. He lifted it ever so slightly and took off his shades. "It is done." He said to it in his regular voice.

"What is done?" The other Agent said as he stood in the doorway. Grant looked over at him with a narrow eye. The man looked back at him. Grant pulled a pistol from behind him and aimed for the man's head. "WE HAVE A CODE NINE! WE HAVE A--" The man shouted with a hand at his ear before a section of his head exploded, a small hole in the middle of his head. Smoke came from his gun, then he began to take off running as some of the seeds that he set into the room began to start on their own semi explosions, though not in the usual sense.

Other men began to swarm down the hall as Grant was taking off, the halls beginning to fill with trees. Some fell from the suddenness of the plant growth, others were by Grant's gun. The sounds of the building bending and breaking filled his ears along with the sounds of gunshots and shouts.

As he neared the entrance, there was something like a small army standing before him. Grant laughed at them, he raced for them. The ones with automatic weapons fired, Grant dodging and taking a few of them out with the simple glock that he brought along with him. When up close, he simply outclassed the men, his strength and speed being far superior. As he ran out of the building, he looked over his shoulder to see the white house being completely destroyed, trees coming out of it in an explosion of green.

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