August 20th, 2015 - Part 6

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Day 250 - August 20th, 2015 : Night - Around 10:00 PM (7/21 11 AM Beijing, China)

Batman's name seemingly meant nothing. Brought into the red palace of China's capital, Batman found himself explaining the basic functioning of the devices of his person, military staff writing down his apt descriptions and requiring him to surrender his equipment temporarily in footlockers locked behind the barred front desk just as he had entered on I-Ching's behest. Even Lady Shiva, whom was of martial prowess world wide had been asked to explain the sword in her hand, the men in green unflinching as she described it to be of magical and hellish origin - their reactions to both as dry and controlled as if they were among the normal populace.

Batman's refusal to surrender his equipment left him stuck at the entrance of the capital palace and him having to find a new way to communicate with I-Ching. Or so, would have needed to until a figure appeared several minutes later after the Chinese military men continued repeatedly asking Batman to hand over his items.

"I do not think that will be necessary. I have known Batman to be a rather collected man, I place my reputation on it, warrant officer" The voice spoke smoothly, with a political manipulation the Dark Knight had known well. Lady Shiva's sword hand shook when she saw the man coming to them: Lex Luthor.

He smiled, his health seemingly perfect to match his perfect posture, walking to them with his hands behind his back and the military men stepping back from Batman and Lady Shiva as he tamed them with his words.

"Welcome to the royal capital, there are many sights to behold here Batman" Lex smiled, filthy with false kindness and the glimmer of spinning thoughts in his eyes as he laid them on Bruce's through his cowl. Behind Lex were two built men completely dressed in black military gear, assault rifles on their backs and batons on their hips with their faces covered in white featureless masks.

Batman studied Lex and scowled. So his death was faked as he expected. Though, he did not expect him to be in China. Studying the guards behind him further, Batman noted that each had golden shoulder boards and red insignias on their collars. This ranking system was used in the past....He had something to do with this. He had no words to say to Lex, keeping silent with his eyes trained on his every move. Lex guided his gaze down the rows of red carpets and stairs further up the palace.

"Please enter, I believe the dear hermit of yours willed to speak with you" Lex's smile openly turned into a threatening sneer flashed at Bruce challengingly and returning into its normal composure instantly after. "Even I am curious on what he has to say, though I am glad I personally caught you here. Again your own stubbornness betrays you or you might have slipped right past my sight, and that would have been unfortunate"

Batman didn't trust it. Not in the slightest. Lex was much too comfortable. However, he wasn't going to just leave. He started forward to where Lex directed, Lady Shiva following. She seemed to scan the men in black with disdain but said nothing as she kept her sword with her. Journeying through the halls of the palace, they walked into a courtyard of cherry trees blossoming with a noticeable shift in the air of the encased land: the weather was artificially controlled here. A false sunlight shone from large panels above and the gentle breeze that softly blew pink petals across free grass was left to Batman to speculate was equally controlled.

Lex and his men did not step from the redwood porch onto the whitestone path, but he did suddenly throw on a more warming expression when he caught glimpse of the adolescent of divine dragon blood and his wary teacher. Shiva lowered herself in respect, but stood promptly with a glare at Lex Luthor.

Lei-Long Yi's face brightened up at the sight of Lex Luthor, turning quickly and his long silken black hair following after.

"Teacher!" The young voice said excitedly, quickly stepping in his sandals over the stone to Lex. Batman's gaze narrowed even further. Instantly connecting it. He could see the reason now for why China wanted the League to stay out of the fighting. Lex was indirectly in control. The men in black and Lex bowed at the hip, from his lowered position he looked over to Batman.

"It would be rude to show no respect to the soon crowned Emperor and son of the great dragon Yinglong within his own palace" Lex lectured, belittling openly Bruce's lack of culture. He raised a brow at Lex, but looked at Lei-Long Yi and bowed in the slightest.

"Master says that is not a position to be proud of" The youth said, looking slightly over at Batman with a small frown of displeasure.

"It is fortuitous that I will be beside you at these times." He paused, walking over closer to the youngest among them "Think of it as another subject of academia I have yet to teach you" Lei-Long Yi humbly nodded his head and Lex bowed before him once again. "You will have to excuse me my favorite student, I have other things I must see to"

"Thank you for your company" The young adolescent spoke up to Lex Luthor.

"Of course" He smiled, sharing it with Batman and Lady Shiva before walking back into the halls of the palace with his men right behind him. I-Ching held onto his walking staff, staring at their backs and the shutting of the door with a dark expression. Batman looked directly at I-Ching, seeing the dark expression that they both held. Then, his gaze shifted to the boy whom he could tell was easily lulled by Lex' deception. It was obvious that Lex had changed the legal system. But the question was why. More thought would be delegated to that later, but for now, it was said that I-Ching wanted to speak to them.

Lei-Long Yi continued to look over at Batman with uncertainty and turned to walk away down the porch steps back into the field of blooming pink trees. I-Ching studied his pupil and as the adolescent walked away with a contemplative expression on his face, the old mentor came over before Bruce.

"Everything is clouded, and now you see why"

"When did he first appear?" Batman asked him. I-Ching rubbed his chin.

"No less than two years ago, just as the boy had come to learn of the larger Chinese territories. It was wrong of me to lead him out from the monastery but I felt sadness for a young soul to have little to know" The man explained and looked down at his staff with a shake of his head. Batman thought silently for a moment. Two years... This meant that Lex was setting this up for some time, prior to the death of him at the hands of Brian. This only made him wonder if Lex had clones of himself secretly in other major governments.

Lady Shiva shifted quickly on her feet, opening her lips to speak.

"The men he had with him, more soulless copies of Dick Grayson" I-Ching was confused for a moment, but caught on and frowned.

"Soulless science, indeed"

Batman's eyes narrowed. He knew that he recognized the body types. That also must have been planned, though this specifically in taunt. "At this rate, there is little that we could do about him from here. He's already went as far as changing the government completely."

"The boy needs to be saved, Lex has used the lie of teacher for too long. At this rate Lei-Long Yi will be so blinded he will never see again." I-Ching sighed deeply.

"That's Lex's crutch." Bruce noted out loud. "Lex's treachery would need to be brought to his attention."

"I must entrust this to you, for I must stay by his side to stave off the shadows of Lex's grasp from swallowing my pupil whole"

The Dark Knight nodded slightly. "I'll do what I can....take note, however, that I, too, am one of those copies....of yet another..." I-Ching stared up at Batman and slowly adjusted his shades.

"A sad path you walk then" He reflected cautiously. Batman acknowledged this silently for a second.

"In any case, Lex is aiming for Liber'ecco. In addition, his former rival Superman." He changed the subject quickly. "He'd have to be notified of this." He thought aloud.

"Then you should leave, if it will be best" I-Ching turned his body to walk after Lei-Long Yi. Batman nodded, looking in Shiva's direction once before turning and walking for the doors.

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