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i know that i constantly think about you. like, no matter what i do, you're always on my mind. you just make me so damn happy.. your smile is my favorite, seeing it makes my day a hell of a lot better. it's honestly my biggest weakness right now, what can i say? i know i always ask if you had a nice day, but that's only because i care so much about you. you're my moon and stars. i would say sunshine, but that ship has sunk and i don't believe in that shitty word anymore. it's been ruined for me, but you'll always be my moon and stars. hell, you can be the whole fucking galaxy, if that's what you want! i write mushy shit, i know, i hate it, too, but you bring that out in me. it literally makes my day better when i write things to you because i can imagine you being right here, near me, and i being the non-sappy shit i am, pouring my heart out to you, right where you stand so calm and composed. i'll see your gentle smile and know i don't have to worry about anything. not rejection, not heartache, nothing. all i'll worry about is being in your arms time and time again. we don't have to flaunt what we have with others. we can keep it private behind closed doors. you don't have to kiss me in public to prove how much you love and care for me because neither one of us is big on PDA. we can hold hands, sometimes, if you want. i'd prefer to hold onto you more than anything. having my arm looped with yours or just walking beside you would be enough for me. we don't have to be matchy, like wear similar color schemed outfits or his and her shirts, no, i cringe when i think of that, but if you're into that, i suppose we can make a compromise on it. i don't expect us to go on fancy dates, hell, i don't expect to go out. cuddling in the bed or on the sofa, while watching anime or a drama or anything would suffice. if you want to go on a fancy date, i'm not stopping you, but please, don't pay an arm and a fucking leg to impress me because honestly i'm not materialistic and i'll be fine with just your company. on valentine's day, i don't expect you to go hog wild and buy me expensive things because our love should be an everyday thing, not a yearly thing. valentine's day was created so people could be married in secret, not be spoiled fucking filthy. i honestly hate valentine's day so much. it gives most girls an excuse to bitch about what other girls have received and what they haven't received. it gives them an excuse to treat their lover like shit. like i said, love should be expressed to the fullest everyday, not on a "special" stupid fucking holiday. don't worry, I hate clichés just as much as you do, so we won't have to be that godawful cringe worthy couple. i won't make you change who you are because, if i truly love you, i would love you for who you are and not what i want you to be. i just ask of one thing, please, talk to me if you have a problem any time in the relationship. communication is key and i've already been through relationships where there wasn't enough communication. i gave everything i had in those and it wasn't enough. oh fucking whale. i don't want to lose you though, my moon and stars. you mean the whole fucking world to me and nothing can ever change that. you make me so much better and i can't thank you enough for it. i used to be really sad, to the point of nearly killing myself, but i haven't felt that way since i saw you. yeah, my past isn't pretty but i'm not going to dwell on that because it's seriously not worth any of my time or yours. i'll tell you all about it, if you want me to, but if not, then i want to drop it and forget all about it. i am a much better person than my past self. i don't really have this 'i don't give a fuck, i don't give a shit' attitude anymore. i can actually see a future ahead of me for once. your words that you wrote are so encouraging to me. you've let me see the real you that you hide from everyone else. your words, your presence, your fucking existence gets me through my day, whether it be a shitty one, an okay one, or a very good one. i am so glad to have you in my life. i really don't know any words to express the feelings you give me over and over. yeah, there are days seeing your face makes me cry, but that's only because i am so happy to be alive in the same lifetime as you. not only do i have the most perfect friends that I have been searching for or that i could honestly ever ask for, but i have the most extraordinary guy by my side. it's all thanks to you, my moon and stars, that i have such caring and understanding friends. i know the friends ship i have with the five of them will be a long lasting one. I know the love and care we have for each other will be a long lasting one. look at me being all types of mushy haha. i'm sorry, my love, my moon and stars. you just make me so fucking happy. it's almost two in the morning, but i am thinking of you. I can't stop thinking of you. do you have the same problems, my dear? I should get back to reading. until the next late night that i can't stop thinking of you, sleep well and sweet dreams.

i love you my moon and stars

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