Chapter Three

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" I never know with her..."

I sighed as I glanced behind us; Jet was walking by Hayden as she galloped along, singing some random song. I couldn't help but smile. Jet was used to my oddness, but he was obviously disturbed by Hayden's.

"So Leo," I started, catching his attention. "Where do you guys even live?"

He sighed. "Way on the other side of town. I don't know why Hayden had to drag me all the way over here..." He glanced at his wrist watch. "Oh, goodness. Hayden, we're gonna be late for dinner!"

She seemed to ignore him. Then out of no where, we heard a high pitched voice yell out. "LEO!" squeeled Hayden.

I spun around on my heels to look at her; she was high on Jet's back, smiling like an idiot. "What the-"

"I'm riding a pony!" she exclaimed. "WEE!"

"Stop movin' so much, will ya?" asked Jet, clearly annoyed. Hey, he was the one willing to give her a piggy back ride.

I smiled, but I couldn't help feeling a pang of jealousy. Jet usually did that for me...

"Hayden, get down right now!" demanded Leo, rushing over to them, pulling on Hayden's left leg.

She kicked wildly, accidently slamming her foot into Leo's face. "STOP IT!" she screamed.

I cracked up as Jet slowly let her down. "Uh, that's enough for one day. You guys might wanna head home," he said calmly.

Leo was holding his face, glaring at his sister. "Why..?" he asked slowly.

"I don't wanna go!" she whined.

"Too bad, Hayden! We need to," said Leo, grabbing her wrist with his one free hand.

Jet nudged me as they walked along. "Thank goodness..."

"I know, right?" I smiled as Hayden attempted the holding her breath trick again. It didn't work, luckily. We were turned around, walking in the opposite direction when we heard Hayden's voice:

"Hey, Jenna."

I looked over my shoulder. "Jenna?" I turned around and walked up to her; it was Lindie's niece. The one we saw filling in for her at the bakery. "Hey!"

"Horizon?" she asked as she approached me. "What are you doing here?"

I swallowed, debating whether I should explain or not. "Um, just visiting."

She put her hands on her hips as she glanced between me and Jet. "That's not what I heard. Did you hear?"

My heart stopped. Hopefully it wasn't bad. I was hoping, no, PRAYING, it had nothing to do with Lindie. She was one of the only people I could trust other than Jet and a few of the members at the church. The church...

Jenna sighed, closing her eyes. "Lindie... She's in the hospital."

I clenched my fists, fighting back tears. "W-why?" I asked, my voice quivering.

"Two men came into the shop yesterday. One had a gun. He was looking for two kids... When no one told them what they wanted to hear, they started open firing. Luckily no one got killed. A bullet nearly hit Lindie's heart; that's why she's in the hospital. It only skidded past her chest, but it was enough for her to lose some blood. She's okay now, though. I'm just glad she's safe. The bakery's closed for investigation as of now, though."

Two men came into the shop yesterday. One had a gun. He was looking for two kids. Those were the words replaying in my head. They were looking for us, and they were willing to put the safety of clueless city goers in jeopardy. All because of me. It's all my fault.

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