Chapter 2

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Chapter Soundtrack

Tongue Tied - Grouplove

Anna Sun - Walk the Moon

After the pleasant experience with Leo, I walked through the hallway, scanning the door plates for Room 402. I quickly found it on my right with no difficulty and unlocked the door, my heart jumping out of my chest when I saw the girl in my dorm who was on her hands and knees waist deep in clothes. 

"Hey," she said, and I took in a breath. I replied with a small hello and looked around the room. 

There were two twin sized beds that were parallel to each other, each with a built-in desk in the wall next to them. In front of the beds there was a wardrobe with mirrors, two dressers, and doors that opened into clothing racks. I opened the curtains on the other side of the room, light streaming in and giving a view of the courtyard. I could see the peaked towers and cathedral-like buildings littered across the campus with specks of people in between, strolling through the courtyards, kissing on the benches, getting a tan in the unusual sunny weather. 

I turned back around. "Uh, are you my roommate?" The girl on the floor laughed, blonde curls bouncing around her face, golden eyes taking me in, and she dropping some more clothes into the dresser. I rested my luggage onto the bed that wasn't already occupied with sheets and listened to her talk. 

"I'm Florence. I'm here for the English courses." I nodded, smiling like my old popular self. "You?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm Emma. I'm going into Astronomy and English Lit." The girl raised her eyebrows questioningly and I replied with my normal spiel on my intents, "I want to send some probes or something to Europa and then spend my days with billions of dollars writing away." Florence laughed wholeheartedly and we attended to our own business, spreading out sheets on the beds, filling our sides of the closet, supplying our minuscule bathroom with make-up and hair tools alike, all while keeping a good conversation: where are you from? where did you go to school? boyfriends? best friends? all of the girl stuff that guys would opt out of. Before long we had settled into the dorm, Florence taking a dress out of the closet and crawling into it. The dress was a one sleeved black dress that wasn't big enough for my cat, much less Florence, but her body was slim yet curved enough to pull it off. Within three minutes she went into the bathroom and came out a changed person, dark eyeliner rimming her eyes, eye shadows winging out until it almost touched her lightly colored eyebrows. I eyed the immodest outfit that went down only to her mid-thigh and she gave me the answer I was searching for in the black dress. 

"There is a party at The Globe tonight. You should come and see some Frat boys with me." Obviously a look of doubt crossed my face before she gave an exasperated answer.

"I'm a junior. I know what I am talking about. Get on a dress and come'on!" I searched through my clothes forever until I found a lengthy silver dress with sleeves that cuffed tightly around my wrists.

Florence scoffed, "I wouldn't let my grandmother wear that dress. Here," After quickly rummaging through her clothes she found a (tight) teal dress that barely went past my ass. Florence dramatically complimented me on how "gorgeous" I looked and flourished her hand, a makeup brush and eyeliner in hand, until I wasn't even sure who I was when I looked in the mirror. I didn't look bad, but I looked... different. Florence checked her watch, exclaiming an unneeded "Shit!" and pulled me out the door as I grabbed my phone, racing to her car- a nice sports car. I pulled the door in and she immediately took off, screeching left, then right, then left again. She was enjoying the ride but I felt queasy. 

Within minutes we pulled in front of a nightclub. The music boomed in my eardrums, the pavement vibrating with bass, and Florence pulled me inside. I took a quick breath and the smell of liquor and smoke filled my ears. There was a bar in the middle of the club, a dance floor and lounge on either side. After taking a look at the kids with their clothes practically torn off in the lounge, we headed for the dance floor, some DJ playing a beat with so much bass, I didn't even know the song. People were screaming, laughing, dancing. Florence owned the floor and the people on it. She would dance just to go over to one of the guys spectating the crowd and whisper something seductively in her ear. Finally after this same routine her and some guy ran off, her head swinging back to glance at me and give me a wink. She giggled again and ran off, the guy already starting to loosen the sleeve on her dress. 

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