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  • Dedicated to Ilona

This will contain graphic depictions of violence and will mention a lot of things that may be triggering. Take care x

It’s a late Saturday when Louis finds himself outside of the bar, hair washed two mere hours prior and up in a resplendent quiff and dressed in sleek clothes he thought had been thrown away, which would have been a shame because he’ll admit that he looks toothsome in this outfit. Although, it would have been convenient for his hair to stay in a quiff as well and not ending up in a sulking swirl because of the small drops of rain falling down and bouncing off the street, but life has decided otherwise and this is something he will be forced to accept this evening.

He has spent the day storming around town in a pair of worn vans to execute certain tasks handed to him by his professors and mother (such as buying birthday present for his cousin or someone that adores fashion straight from London – he doesn’t even know the girl, hasn’t met her on a single get-together with the entire fat family, so why should he of all people deem what fits Penelope for her birthday?) and when he hasn’t done that he has tried to relax to the best of his ability, watch some TV for a second or read before he’s up to choose attire and hairstyle. He has taken a hasty shower where he slipped on some soap and avoided post mortem, sorted out all papers piling up on his desk (which needs to be replaced with another one soon because the thing isn’t going to last for long) and even cleaned the first half of his ratty flat.

Yes, so far this has been a relaxing day.

Spring has come early this year, and it’s the first time in the year of 2014 that he has left his home for something besides studying or visiting his family back in Doncaster. The season came with promises of a warm continuation of March and strong sunshine and long lazy days outdoors once the temperature was good enough. That hasn’t arrived yet, though, as March just switched to April and all the different flower species have just started waking from their month-long slumber.

He has always favoured spring, even if summer is the obvious popular time of the year. It’s calming to hear the birds return to serenade on his windowsill and follow him around as he goes out for a run in the nearby woods; he looks forward to when the sun stays up an hour or two longer and he can sit out in the backyard or on the balcony to watch the sunset and read; he loves the fact that he doesn’t need to put on socks in the mornings because he’ll be fine anyway in his low shoes, and he gets (at least somewhat) excited for the last exams to push through before he receives his grades and then there is the huge break between the finished semester and the next one.

Spring has arrived to London with small dandelions breaking through the thick asphalt pavements and Louis could be happier but right now life is great in general.

He scratches his neck as he avoids the rain drizzling down the best he can and hides under the grey coat hanging off of his shoulders – a birthday present from his mother and twin sisters. The fabric is on its way to get completely soaked, even though only tiny water drops fall with a few seconds in between until the next slips from the clouds and sucks into the coat. He will be dripping wet by the time he makes it all the way to the entrance and with that in mind he takes off the coat to hold it over his head as he scurries past business men with umbrellas and women with far too high heels to be considered legal. He wonders what they’re doing out this late on a Saturday.

As he approaches the bar he sees a bouncer in black (the colour makes the man melt into the wall behind, creepy really) who leans back with his arms crossed. Louis has seen them before, giant and frightening looking guys built of only muscles, but the times are rare since the party-like stuff he usually goes to are held at someone’s house, and the last time he went to a bar was just before the winter holidays months ago. He didn’t think that there’d be a bouncer outside of this place though, but luckily enough he has his ID with him, which he flashes to the man who just gives a curt nod and then he’s inside, tucked away from the rain outside.

It's too dark [Larry Stylinson AU]Where stories live. Discover now