*Chapter 3*

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Zander please pick up. Please please please!

"The number you have called is busy, please leave a message after the beep." 

Damn it! 

"Zander please quit ignoring me. I don't know why the hell your mad but I need you to tutor me please."

I ended the call. God!! He was ignoring me and I have no freaking idea why! I needed him to tutor me in Calculus but more importantly I needed my best friend back... :/ I missed him so much. We've never had a fight this big before. He usually caves in once I give him my best silent treatment xD But by seeing the look on his face yesterday, I can tell its gonna take more than that to make him stop ignoring me. 

"You have a late text message." 

I picked up my phone and looked at the message.

Zander: Look, I'm sorry about walking away yesterday without an explanation  but I know you need a tutor so come to my house at 6 p.m. 

At six? I looked at the clock. Shit! It's 6:30!!!! Dammz!!! 

"Mom! Drive me to Zander's A.S.A.P!" 

*comes out of the kitchen* "Quit screaming Skylar."

"Just drive me there noooooww!!!!"

"Fine. But don't even think of putting on that screamo crap again in the car." *grabs keys and walks outside*

Screamo crap? Oh heeeells no! Just for that I'm gonna put on Falling in Reverse on full blast...  We got in the car and she drove me to Zander's. All the way I was screamin along with the song. Hehe. 

"Were here!" x

"Thank god! I'm gonna pick you up at 9 ok?"

"KK mom. Bye!"

I bounced up the steps and knocked repetitively on the door.

*opens the door* "Oh hi sweetie. Alexander's up in his room." 

"Ok.Thanks Mrs. Davison." *goes upstairs*

Zander's door was open but I still knocked.

*looks up from Chemistry text book* "Hi."

*sheepishly waves* "Hi. I got your txt so thanks for still tutoring me."

"No prob.  Ok so they left us some Calculus problems so lets start with that." 

*sits on his bed* "Sure."

                                                             *2 Hours later....* 

" I still don't get it Zander."

"How can you not get it Sky? Its simple!"

"No its not." 

*sighs* "Do you want me to explain it again?"

"Yes but its pointless. I'm never gonna get this stuff." *sighs sadly*

"Don't say the Sky. Your gonna pass it."


"Cause you have the best tutor money can buy." 

".... Who the hell said I was paying you?"

"No not me. I have a friend who's smarter than me in Calculus."

"Woooaaahh. I didn't know that was possible....."O.o

"Haha. Its pretty possible."

"But Zander I'd rather have you as a tutor...... if your not still mad at me....?"

*looks down* "I'm not mad at YOU Sky."

"Then why the hell have you been ignoring me?"

"..... Cause I'm mad at myself for fighting with Ryan yesterday over jealousy."

He whispered the last part so I wouldn't hear. But I still heard it....

"...Jealousy? W-Why would you be jealous?"

"Because I hate that your gonna go out with him knowing the type of guy he is." 

"Ok look. I wasn't gonna go out with him."

"So you made it up?" 

His voice boomed with  blistering rage... 

"NO! Of course not. I saw him with that slut yesterday and decided not to date him."

"....Ohhh.... Sorry I freaked out..."

"Its ok Zander. I just want my best friend back." 

"Haha.. Ok then Sky." *hugs her* 

I took out my cell phone and looked at the time. 

"Shit its 9:30! Mom's gonna kill me. I'll see ya tomorrow tutor" xD

"Bye Sky. Practice the problems." 

"I will. Bye." *kisses him on the cheek* 

Geesh. I didn't know he was jealous... Well at least were friends now! ^.^   *skips happily home*

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