Should Of Listened: Part Two

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Here's part two! Also, if it says 18 people have seen this, don't believe it. For some reason it counts my self. Thought I be honest. Lastly Picture above isn't mine.

Tadashi's Pov.

I had come toward this alleyway, searching for my brother, to only find him laying unconscious and hurt on the ground.

I fell to my knees, next to his form, and lightly took him into my arms. "Hiro." I say in a whisper. Hoping to get a response. Nothing but the sound of his light breathing was heard. I then took the time to examine his injuries.

He had a busted lip, a deep bruise on the side of his face, and had a purple colored ring around his neck, clearly showing he's been chocked. And those are only the injuries I could see.

I lightly shook my head, while also moving my gaze to the ground. I shouldn't have let him go home early. I should have been watching him more, to make sure this didn't happen again. I thought, while still having Hiro in my arms and staring at the ground.

My head suddenly shot up, when I felt Hiro shifting a little. "Hiro." I say loud enough for him to hear, but not too loud for it to hurt his head.

"Ta..Ta..dashi?" Hiro choked out in pain, still not opening his eyes. By this point, tears started to form up in my eyes. "It's-it's going to be ok Hiro. I'm going to get you to a hospital, a-alright? You're going to fine." I say in a reassuring voice.

He tried to say something, but clearly had trouble dealing with the pain. "J-just stay quiet for a bit, ok? Y-you don't have to s-speak if something hurts." I say, while more tears threatened to come down. I hated seeing my brother in pain.

He looked as if he was fixing to protest, but soon relaxed, indicating that he had followed my orders.

I looked back at the entrance of the alley then looked back at Hiro. "A-alright Hiro. I'm going to lift you up now, are you ready?" I asked him, pointing out the pain he might feel.

Took him a few seconds to answer until he clutched onto my shirt and closed his eyes tighter, telling me that he was ready.

I nodded while putting one arm under his legs, and another under his shoulders. To make sure he'll be ready, I started counting. "Ok, on 3. 1......2......3." I said before lifting.

He yelped and clutched tighter on my shirt as I lifted him up. I winced at the sound as I finished pulling myself up. I wanted to know who done this and have them put in jail, before I end up doing something of my own. Putting Hiro's condition back in my head, I started making my way out of the alley.

Because every movement I made had him hissing in pain, I started walking slower and made less sudden movements. The only explanation I had for this was broken ribs. I lightly growled to myself. Who could do something like this, especially to a young teenager like Hiro.

I then heard light sniffling. I quickly moved my gaze down at Hiro, and found him softly crying. Which didn't happen too often. I just slightly pulled him closer while whispering "Shhhh. Everything's going to be alright. I know it hurts but just hold out for a little longer until we get to the hospital ok." I started to feel a his head slightly shaking. "I-im s-sorry for...c-coming back h-here." He said between breaths and cries.

I felt the tears coming back. I wanted to tell him he's right, but I thought a lecture wouldn't be good right now. So I just replied with "Its ok Hiro. Were talk about it later. J-just relax for now." When I didn't hear a response, I became worried. I looked down to see that he went unconscious again while still breathing softly. I then started picking my pace up a bit. "Dont worry Knucklehead. Your going to be fine. I promise" I said before approaching the outside.

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