Chapter 3: A New Friend

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Sakura heard the bushes beginning to rustle.

"Something is there!" Elise yelled as she and Sakura hid behind Camilla. They stared at the bushes waiting for the monster to jump out. As the creature came out from the bushes, they gasped. It was a strange colored dragon. The dragon, Sarah, was immediately scared of how they were reacting and she changed color. She curled in on herself like earlier trying to look like a rock.

"That's why the rock kept moving." Camilla said as they laughed.

"We should finish gathering the fire wood." Camilla spoke. Out of nowhere the dragon began to help gather the fire wood.

"Here, let me carry the wood for you."

"It talked!" Elise freaked out. Sarah just stood there and nodded.

"Yes, I talk. I am Sarah. Sorry for sneaking up on you. I'm surprised that you didn't take off running when you saw me." She said.

"Nice to meet you. Hey, since your coming with us maybe you can help us find the monster from the lake." Sakura stated.

"Hahahaha, I would help you, but I am the supposed 'monster' everyone is scared of." Sarah laughed as they continued to make their way back to the campsite.

As they arrived back at camp, everyone at the site took one look at the dragon and drew their weapons.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Everyone it's okay. She won't hurt you." Elise said.

"Turns out she is the monster of the lake, and she is practically harmless. As a matter of fact, this sweetie helped carry our fire wood here." Camilla said.

Ryoma and Xander warily approached the dragon unsure of how she would react to them. Ryoma gently placed his hand on her head.

"She is quite gentle and a very beautiful dragon." Xander spoke under his breath.

"Xander can we keep her please, oh, pretty please!" Elise practically shrieked.

"B-But I kind of wanted her." Sakura softly spoke.

"Well, I think the dragon should pick who she wants to go with." Xander said as Ryoma nodded in agreement.

The Hoshido royal family stood on the right and the Nohrian royal family stood to the left. Sarah look back and forth between the two families.

"Which ever family she goes to will take her home." Xander said. Staring at the dragon.

Sarah had no clue what was going on until she heard what Xander said. Great, they want me as a pet or something, she thought. She looked from the Nohrians to the Hoshidians. How can I choose between the two, she thought. Nohr receives little to no sunlight while Hoshido receives sunlight on a normal basis. She was trying to consider the best option for her.
She started to walk set upon which family she would go with.

She walked over to the Hoshidian royal family.

"That settles it. When we leave for our kingdoms at sunrise tomorrow, she will be joining the Hoshidian royal family on their journey home." Xander proclaimed.

"Don't worry, you can visit us and her when you wish." Ryoma said as Elise started to pout.

"Okay." Elise said, "Take good care of her."

Everyone headed back to do what they were doing before.
This will be interesting, Sarah thought.

Thanks to those who have begun to read my story. I never thought someone would actually read this. I hope you enjoy this story.

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