Hello. Tamato here!
But not for long, this is the introduction book, to people wondering about who we are or whatever.
This account will be updated and monitored with Tamato, May, Gabvin, and Greven universe ( ya see what i did there), but you don'...
This is more than just an introduction to who we are, but also an introduction to what we will be doing on this collab account.
First off, noticing the difference between us.
I was thinking font, like May type in bold, and I type in italics, and Greven universe will type in underlined, but I haven't asked them about it yet. (Gabvin will type in regular font!!)
I'll ask later and update about it I guess because I really need to get this introduction out there.
Anyway, what we will be doing.
First off, potato things, of course.
On the KweenKitKat account she made a Choobarf book but it's not really enough, people still have questions.
On this account we will (most likely) make a Potato Instructions book, a Potato Book of Potatoes book, and maybe a Potato Diary or something of that sort. Maybe a Potato Question and Answer book, but we haven't planned that far, we're sticking to one thing at a time.
So, okay.
... That's all.....
Oh, I almost forgot!!
Some things you've might want to know about us:
Name: Tamato Age: 13 Hobbies: Drawing, reading, listening to HEAVY META- heh I'm just kidding, nightcore, joking around, annoying people, having relationship issues 😆 Sexuality: Pansexual Fandoms: Homestuck, Steven Universe, Yuri!!! On Ice, Eddsworld, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, The Mortal Instruments, Teen Titans (the original), Star Vs. the FOE, Hamilton (you can say no to this, buddy), Heathers (Welcome to my candy STOOOOORE), Divergent, The Hunger Games, anything gay, and anything shippable. (Powerpuff Girls was just a PHASE! Geeeeez!) Picture:
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^^ This is me, bro Other: Thats it 🕵~
Name: May Age: 14 Hobbies: listening to BTS, sleeping, eating, reading, writing, singing, being all around stupid, hanging with friends, not seeing my therapist, listening to P!ATD, listening to HEAVY METALLLLLL WHOOOOO (not joking), shipping inanimate objects, cracking some egg jokes (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Im sooooooo funny.....), annoying people, not sleeping, watching YouTube (MARKIMOO), learning Korean, aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnndddddddd drawing Sexuality: #64 (but if you wanna get technical I'm pansexual. IT RHYMES) Fandoms: THERE ARE TO MANY TO LIST
I'm gonna try tho: BTS, EXO, Black Pink, Got7, Girls Generation, VIXX, Astro, Red Velvet, (insert all Kpop groups here) P!ATD, FOB, MCR, TØP, Green Day, Tattletail, FNAF, Fallout, Titanfall (1 and 2), Destiny (1 and 2), Overwatch, Deadpool, Marvel in general, Outlast, Resident Evil, (insert basically all video games here), Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Grimm, Deathnote, Fairytale, (insert all anime here), Harry Potter, Divergent, Hunger Games, Maximum Ride, Lemony Snickett's: a Series of Unfotunate Events, Percy Jackson, anything by Rick Riordan, anything to do with mythology, Teen Wolf (don't judge, I just like the supernatural aspect because of the WOLVES..... and Dylan O'Brien), Hamilton, Bo Burnham cus if it's not a fandom it should be, and more, many many more.
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TAEHYUNG IS BAE!!!!!!! SARANGHAE!!!! No but seriously, here is ma picture~
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^^^^^ Dis me dudddddeeeeeeesssss, definitly not Min Yoonji..... Other: ...... Yeah, I trust issues, not to mention They sa- I HAVE CRIPPLING DEPRESSION...... It'd true.....
"이름, 이름!" sorry bae "발음, 발음!" sorry bae "딕션, 딕션, 딕션!" sorry bae "Oh, face not an idol.." sorry bae
Anybody?... no?.... Just me?...... okie den
Name: Graylynn Age: 13 Hobbies: drawing, writing, sleeping, eating, AND WHO CAN FORGET ABOUT SHIPPING Sexuality:bi, got a prob wit dat then ill day, BIEEEEEE see what I did there Fandoms: too many to count Picture:
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even tho this aint a pic of me, im juss gonna bless your mind wit him Other:POTATOOO
^^^ Name: Gabvin
Age: 13 Hobbies: Dying of Crippling Depression, Talking with my friends, Reading, Listening to BTS and in love with a ghost, watching stuff on Netflix and crying, sleeping m8, playing with my baby brother, and BEING GAY. Sexuality: Pansexual or Lesbian, you pick!! Fandoms: SPN, BTS, Steven Universe, Thirteen Reasons Why, Tattletail, Hamilton, Heather, Dear Evan Hansen, Gravity Falls, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, all gay shows, etc. Picture:
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I smoke weed everyday. Purple weed. Beautiful weed. 420 blazin.