Chapter 3-Confusion

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Hey guys I can't believe I'm starting chapter three! but its a big accomplishment for me but i hope you enjoy! ;)

********************Chapter 3*****************

                                                                      (Lillians pov)

I wake up and memories come rushing back to me. I can't believe I already got in a fight with someone here and it hasn't even been a day. I sigh knowing i'm going to have problems with that girl in the future. Then I also remember i'm sleeping with my mate. I think his name is Jayden if I remember correctly. I realiza I shifted him in the middle of the night and that his arm is on my waist.

I try to get his arm off of my waist so I can go and take a shower but his grip only tightens. I look at him and mumble

" This day should be interesting."

With that Jayden stirred and opened his eyes and looked at me with a small smile. I ask,

" Did you say your name was Jayden last night?" He says,

" Yes I did, but I never got your name."

I chuckle and say,

na" My me is Lillian."

He sighs and looks at me and I see caring, happiness, and.....  Love.

I shake my head i'm just imagining things. He then snaps me out of my thoughts and ask's,

" Are you OK?"

" Yea im fine, do you think I could take a shower?"

He grins like a maniac and I giggle.

" Yea sure, i'll get some clothes for you since yours well were pretty dirty."

I smile kindly and say


I get up and walk. I am much stronger and can walk. Also I have more muscle and meat on me thje last night. I guess I just really needed a good nights sleep.I go into the bathroom. I gasp from how HUGE it was.

It has a mirror that takes up most of the wall, a shower with jet head things that come from all sides and next to is a jacuzzi. A HUGE freaking jacuzzi! Then Jayden walk in and says

" Do you like it?" I say,

" Yea, its amazing."

"Well I'm going to go and get those clothes I said I was going to get" I just nod.

 He leaves and shuts the door. I get undressed and jump into the shower. I think what is this pack going to be like. What will my mate be like. I just hope he's not a player. I wash my hair and shave. I jump out and noticed clothes on the toilet and I think Jayden must have brought them but I don't know when cause usually i'm always alert and no one ever sneaks up on me.

Oh well I think. I put on these hot pink laced panties and a matching bra, even though i'm not a fan of pink I think they were pretty cute. I look at the outfit he gave me, I put it on and look at myself in the mirror.

A white tank top that's fits me snugly and it says 'bite me' I laughed at it. I'm also wearing jean short shorts. I think how did he know all my sizes huh that's kinda creepy. I have black converse on. I walk over to the sink and next to it was a bag with makeup and a note next to it, It said

'I wasn't sure if you wore makeup so

here's some just in case you do

,From Jayden'

I smile how sweet of him I think. I put on some Black eyeliner, a very little light blue eye shadow, and a little bit of lip gloss. I think perfect. I walk out and no one was in the room. I walk out of the room and down the stairs and to the room next to it which I think is the living room.

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