Chapter 5-The Fight

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Hey guys well I don’t have anything to say soo carry on


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***************  Chapter 5 ************

                                          (Lillian’s Pov)

I was so happy to see him and I love him were the only thoughts that kept running through my head. Then I finally noticed he was stiff as a board. I leaned back and looked at him confused. He then smiled at me. I smiled back. He said

“I missed you too, and”

He took a deep breath and finished with

“I also love you to, what I did was not acceptable it’s just I got jelous and that  you knew you had a mate and we were going to get to know each other but you said yes to a date, I just over reacted and I’m really sorry”

He gave me a sheepish smile at the end. I looked at him and thought what should  I say back. My thoughts were going a mile a minute. I finally I said,

“I forgive you but your going to have to work for my trust back”  

He just stared at me and then said

“ I will do what ever it takes to win your heart Lillian and I will not give up”

When he said that I looked into his eyes and saw fierce determination. I nodded and we started heading back to the pack house. Once we got there everyone’s head snapped my way. I just kept looking forward and ignoring all the stares. 

Once we got inside I went up to Jayden’s room. As I opened the door I saw the slut sitting  there in one of HIS shirts and really short, shorts. When she saw me to say she was shocked was an understatement. I growled, my wolf wanting to come out and rip her head off for wearing something of his which of course is mine.

I saw fear in her eyes but she covered it up right away and sneered at me. I started shaking uncontrollably, not used to trying to hold my wolf back anymore. She stood up and said,

“What are you doing here you little slut!?”

I growled again almost loosing control of my wolf then I said in a really pissed off voice

“ If you don’t leave or you say one more thing your going to regret it cause I wont be able to control my wolf for  much longer”

She just stared at me the said,

“ Im not scared of you your just a week little she-wolf who likes to steal other peoples mates to get power, now stay away from what’s mine”

That’s when I lost it. I shifted right there in the middle of the room and atacked her. She shifted and ran out of the room, I chased her my wolf loves a good chase and so do I. She ran outside and flipped around. I growled and said in the mind link

: I will rip you limb from limb and make you suffer regretting everything you said and did, you will be begging me to end your life qiucker but I won’t, then when I think you have had enough I will end your life with no regrets about it:

I saw her shiver and fear show in eyes but then she covered it again and growled, challenging me. The whole pack was outside thinking I was a rouge because of my fur, it was all tagaled and matted with a whole bunch of dirt in it.

They all gasp because I projected my thought to everyone. I didn’t really care though it was true I would do that to her. My wolf pushed me to the back of her mind and all I could do was watch, she  did not like people messing with whats hers and challenging her does not help the situation. Then the potrol troop came back with the alpha my mate. He froze when he saw what was happening. She growled, challenging me again. My wolf growled right back. 

 Mean while                                                 (Jaydens pov)

We were on out way back from the potrol. It was good no rouges or anything crossing the territory boarder. When we got through the last bit of trees I saw Lillian and the Pack slut about to get in another fight. I could tell she wasnt in control anymore, so that means she really pissed Lillian's wolf off. I tried to run in between them to stop it but I couldnt move, neither could any of the other guys. They all started freaking out.Then my wolf says to me

: Calm down this is something you need to see happen:

:but what if she gets hurt or something, i mean the whole pack thinks shes a rouge: I reply

he responds with,

:They are all stuck to the ground just like you the only two that can move are them and she wont get hurt and if she does she will still be ok, I want to help her but we cant so your going to have to deal woth it and just watch:

:ok: is all I say

I start watching and see the slut lunge for Lillian and she dodges it by jumping over her back. she lands on the ground, turns around and jumps on her back, she claws and tries to hang on. She bucks her of and she gets slammed into a tree. She stands right back up though and runs for her.

she stops right in front of her then the slut jumps over her when she does that Lillian claws her stomach big time. Sge howls in pain, shes bleeding alot but there is nothing I can do to stop it. Liallian jumps on her back again she gets slammed into the ground then a tree. The slut jumps on her and claws at her stamach then goes for the throught. 

I start fighting trying to move to go help and save her but nothing is working.

my wolf startles me by saying

:She will be fine just watch:

                                                                   (Lillians pov)

Pain was the only thing I could feel, I still wasnt in control and my wolf is thinking rationally she needds to use her alpha training and then she could eaily win this.

I say to her

:Use your alpha training so she cant kill us, stop thinking rationally and focus:

:ok I will, and your right if I dont we will die:

She stops struggling then uses her hind legs and kicks her off. There is alot of blood every where and I feel a little faint. We get in the vorrect fighting stance and watch our opponent's every move and look for her weaknesses. She has many, she leaves herslef open for the strike and kill. This will be so easy she is  nothing and cant win against us.

We start fighting again I dodge her every move and keep hitting her, she gets frustrated and starts attacking just on anger, which is another major weakness. I decided that I am tired and have had enough and lundge for the throaght she doesnt expecty it so I was able to pin her down. 

She struggles so I just bite harder then she stops you can see shes looseing a lot of blood and is about to die.

: stop, let her live and suffer by watching me and jayden being together and her knowing she will never have him: I say to my wolf

:Your right I will do that: She says and lets go

After she lets go she gives me control back. I limp over to Jayden and he runs over to me

:are you ok: he asks in a rush

:yea im fine just a little faint: I reply

Then I pass out again but I am ok with it because all the pain dissapears.


Thats the chaptee hope you like it! 

I want 5 votes and at leats 1 comment for the next chapter


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Gauge <3

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