❥ Chapter Thirty-six ❥

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Written by Deadlydisasters

Everett's Dad POV

I wash my hands slowly and carefully. I don't want to miss a spot and have some of Ash's blood still clinging to me.

The deserve this pain, the shouldn't have tried to fight me the first time, I laugh to myself. Ash, such a weak, pathetic boy. I've no idea why Everett cares but now it's on to the second half of my plan. I'll go back and forth between then spread fake messages to back their hearts.

Everett will be the perfect son, I think as I dry my hands on and old cloth. I will break his heart and make him emotionless, he will never again love a man. Being gay is disgraceful and I will beat it out of him. I don't care what that filth Ash says, it will work. Once that's taken care of, Everett will become the most obedient killer ever.

He will be the perfect son, he will never again disgrace me by causing me to lose my job. Everett has been blinded by his idiot of a mother and boyfriend, his views are all messed up.

Soon Everett you will be the pure evil, son I want. The boy every father wishes they had raised. No more mistakes will be tolerated, ever. I smile as I walk to an empty bedroom for sleep. Ash is the boy I can use to break Everett's heart so completely that he will be the one to kill Ash.

The next few days will be fantastic.

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