shaky lunch

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Mark was terrified.

He didn't know what to do. Leaving school wasn't an option. His mom would destroy him. Plus, he didn't want to get on the school staff's watchlist.

Fighting Felix also wasn't an option. He didn't want to hurt anyone. But if he didn't fight back then Jack might think of him as weak.

Of course, Jack would never. But Mark was panicking and having his brain get the best of him.

So Mark finally arrived at the conclusion. Stay with Jack the whole day. Felix couldn't hurt him in front of Jack. Jack would flip.

So during lunch, when Mark guessed Felix would tear him in half, Mark sat beside Jack. He never usually did this because he wa scared to mess things up but today he had bigger concerns.

The entire lunch period he was almost shaking but he kept calm.


I mean, at least he tried. But Jack picked up on it immediately. "Mark? Are you okay? You look so scared." He said with worry. Mark just shrugged it off and made some dumb excuse. Which poor Jack believed completely.

It hurt for Mark to lie to Jack but the alternative would have put Jack into even more worry than before.

But for the whole day, Mark never saw Felix. Not once.

Not untill Mark got off the bus.


Greeny - Septicpie/Jelix Where stories live. Discover now