Chapter 1

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Hello I'm Elena and I would like u welcome you to Mystic Falls and I would like to tell you about my story about how I met Damon. The first time I met Damon was walking out of my class room going to History class. Unfortunately I was not paying attention to where I was walking and accidentally bumped into a fellow male classmate. I turned to apologize but I was too captivated and dazed by his dark and shiny black hair and dreamy blue eyes. I froze dead in my tracks. Then one of my friends taped my shoulder and told me to stop staring." (Bonnie) I blinked a couple times I apologize with a quick sorry and went on my way to class with Bonnie.Thinking to my self  as I sat down " what a handsome young gentleman."Then I saw him he sat right next to me and I was speechless! And all through class I could NOT stop looking at him.At 2:50 the bell rang and I felt a sigh of relief! It was almost time to go home. So I went to my locker and that is when he come up to me! I did not know what to do so I just looked at him he said " hi I'm Damon." Then I said " hi Damon I'm Elena." And he said I'll see you in history tomorrow." Then left and I was so happy that he came up to me. On my way home I texted Bonnie and told her about Damon and she replied  to me saying "that is cool was he cute?" I say " yes he is". Then when I got home I went to the mystic grill to see all my friend and it just so happens that Damon was there. As soon as I walked in there I saw him and I was well like idk. But my friend Bonnie came up to me so I could sit with her and I sat down with her then he come by! He said " hello Elena" I said hi back and then he asked me " would u like for me to buy u a drink?" I looked at Bonnie and she said " yes she would like a drink".Damon smiled and said ok I'll
go get it for you. Then he left and I looked at Bonnie and she smiled at me and I just smiled back. After that Damon come back over and gave me my drink and I told him " thank you"
Then after I got done he asked me for my phone number and I gave it to him he said thank you Elena and smiled at me.

Then a few hours later me and Bonnie went to my house to hangout for a bit. After we hung out she went home and I went to bed. The next day I got up and ready for school because today was the homecoming dance and I told Bonnie I was going to go and I always keep my word. But out of Nowhere Damon texted me?! He asked if I would go to the dance with him as friends and I said Yes I would love to go! Then after that I  started walking to school and when I got there Bonnie asked me " can I help you get the decorations for the dance?" I said yes  and we started the decorating the school. Then when first bell rang we went to class. And the whole time in class I could NOT stop thinking about Damon! Then the bell
Rang I went to my next class and the whole time I was texting Bonnie. And after that class it was my history class and I could NOT wait to get to class! Because I get to see him as soon as I walked in Damon was already in his seat. When I sat down I Tried to pay attention and as soon as I could Bonnie texted me saying " he is looking at you." I said back to her " thx for telling me" then the teacher called on me and said Elena what is the answer " I Tried to say something but I did not no what to say! Then Damon answer it for me and the teacher said "thank you ELENA. But after class it was time to go so I did the same thing as I always do go to my locker then head home but before I left I told Damon "thx for helping me out." He said "np" then I carried on with my day. When I got home I had to get ready for the dance it took about an hour or so to get ready but when I was ready I heard the door bell * ding dong" so I answer it and Damon was standing there all dressed and spiffy to take me to the dance and he said " you look ravishingly gorgeous" I said thank you and told him he looked very Handsome. Then he gave me a flower and said are you ready to go?" I said absolutely" and we left.
   When we got there he asked "shall I have this dance?"
I said yes so we danced together and I thought to my self he is such a nice dancer and when the song was
Over we got some drinks. When the dance was over I left and he walked me home and he told me that he had a good time; "as did I Damon thank you so much for asking me to go with you." When we got to my house I asked if he would like to come in he said sure and he came in and I made some coffee for us. Then Bonnie called asking if she can come over I said yes"
So she come over and she met Damon. And they got along well and I was happy! Then when it got later she had to go and Damon left to and I went straight to bed.  

The next day I got ready  like normal but today was Saturday and I called Bonnie to see if she would like to stay the night she said " sorry I can't I'm with my grams but maybe next weekend?" I replied " it is ok I'll see u Monday." She said ok" then I went over to Damon's house. When I got there I had the biggest surprise ever!......... He asked me out!!!! I said Yes! And I hugged him and he hugged me back!
( And that is how are love story started)

A love story between Elena And DamonWhere stories live. Discover now