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A/n: this is my first story I've ever written but I hope it's good enough

Name: Y/n
Last name: uchiha (forgot to mention that your a uchiha)
Outfit: what ever you want to wear
Hair: h/c

Y/n pov : uchiha clan
I was really excited today because today was the day I was going to enroll to the ninja academy along with sasuke. Y/n: "SASUKE!! Hurry up we're gonna be late". Sasuke: "coming down. Alright let's go".

  (Timskip to the academy)
No one pov
"I can't believe it! I'm finally gonna be a shinobi" y/n shouted in his mind. Sasuke and y/n walk into the class and take their seats. There sensei walks and introduces himself. Iruka: class my name is iruka and I welcome you to the ninja academy". The class went outside to test their accuracy with shuriken. I passed along with sasuke. A few days we do the transformation justu.  Iruka:"NEXT" he shouted, I walked up to him, y/n: *does handsign* transformation justu!   After I returned to me seat I noticed this blonde kid with whiskers on his face, instead of transforming into iruka he turned into a girl version of himself causing iruka' nose to bleed. Iruka: CUT THE STUPID PRANKS NARUTO!  I bursted out laughing, "*sheds tear* that was too funny" I said.

(Time skip to the shadow clone justu test)
Naruto pov
"DAMN IT" i screamed in my mi d. "I COULDNT DO THE SHADOW CLONE JUTSU". I sat sadly on the swing outside. I noticed a boy with h/c hair
walking towards me.  ???: "why are you on the swing all alone?" I reply "because I couldn't do the shadow clone Justu."   ???: "Whats your name?" "Naruto" I said, he replied saying "my name is y/n I hope we can be great friends naruto". I reply "me too".
(Timskip to the team selection)
No ones pov
Iruka: team 7, Naruto uzumaki, sasuke uchiha, y/n uchiha, and Sakura haruno.  "This is finally my chance to get sasuke away from that ino-pig!!!, Sasuke walks up to Naruto and says "just don't get in my way loser." Naruto shouts back, "IM NOT A LOSER" naruto said. Naruto places an eraser on top of the door frame, Y/n: "what are doing Naruto?"  Naruto chuckles and said "when our leader walks in the eraser is  gonna fall on his head".  Sasuke:"our squad leader is a jounin how is he going to fall for that."    Our leader walks in and the eraser landed on his head.  Kakashi: hmm my first impression of this group is..... your a bunch of idiots.  Y/n: sorry kakashi-sensei Naruto just pulled a dumb prank on you.

(Timeskip to escorting tazuna to the land of waves)
No one pov
Y/n: " *groan* kakashi-sensei how much further do we half to walk?" He replied saying "just a bit further ahead."  All of a sudden we came to a stop.
Y/n looks in front and says "a puddle? What is this doing here? It hasn't rained in weeks."  A barrage of shurikens were tossed at y/n and his squads way. A man with a big sword on his back came out of the mist and started attack kakashi. Y/n remembered he was really lacking in combat skills but he had to save kakashi. He knew  the swordsman's name was Zabuza, y/n made an attempt to punch at zabuza but ended up getting knocked out. Before y/n got knocked out by zabuza he felt a really sharp pain in both of his eyes when he felt the fear when attacking zabuza.

(After the battle)
Naruto walks to y/n's knocked out form. Naruto said "I thought you were stronger than that y/n you shouldn't be here!" Sasuke walked up to your knocked out body and said "our squad has no place for weaklings like you  
y/n".  Sakura: "why did you even join the academy your just a weakling!"
Team 7 left you knocked out and Alone in the land of the waves.

Y/n pov
I woke up with a crippling headache after I got knocked out, I heard what the squad said about me.... I trusted them...... y/n: "there right I am just a weakling, they left me here in the land of the waves." Tears began to flow out of my eyes and fall to the ground. I felt a painful sensation in my eyes I checked a nearby river, my eyes widen for me to see I awakened my sharingan,  y/n: *in mind* "I did it I awakened my sharingan I hope your proud mom and dad." I looked again to see if I had one or two Tomoe. My eyes widen in shock when I find out I awakened the sharingan with the full 3 tomoe in both of my eyes. Y/n: *thinks about his team leaving him behind* team 7... I'm going to kill every last member of you.....
A/n: I'm very sorry if this story started out bad

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