No hope

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Obito pov

Ever since that incident with kakashi I felt alone without purpose, but when I met y/n, his ideals, motives, he is a good person, I truly see him as a  friend. I haven't seen him in a 2 weeks when he buried kisame, I'm getting worried.

Y/n pov (around konoha)

I haven't been doing good these past weeks ever since I had to bury kisame,  I feel my hatred for the leaf rise and my sanity slowly breaking apart, I heard a voice that Im very familiar with,    Obito: "y/n!"   Y/n:"obito...." obito: "what are you doing here you had worried sick!" Y/n : "in mourning for kisame, a person that I can call family, that goes for everyone in the akastuki and yes you too obito, a tear rolled down my eye, y/n: Obito your my best friend, the only one who understands my pain, me and Obito bro hug and I said to him: "we're going to make a world where they exist again." Me and Obito leave the cave and head towards the hidden rain village to find nagato's rinnegan, We arrived in the village and found konan there in the in the infinite rain, Obito walked towards konan and said "where his nagato's corpse?"   Konan: " you won't find it."  Her face and body morph into  paper and flew to a different area, me and obito kamui to where she is, obito said  "don't underestimate the visual prowess of the uchiha, girl!"  Konan flies towards us with her paper wings and a wave of papers our way,  obito and me used kamui to suck them in,  y/n: "Tobi she mixed in paper bombs.!"   Konan: "I will take you both  to the afterlife with me." The paper bombs exploded.

No one pov (same location)
The smoke cleared up, singed paper and broken parts of y/n's and Obito' mask. Obito's mask broke at the right eye .  Y/n's mask broke at both eyes, and their akatsuki cloaks torn where the cloud is,  tobi: "I didn't take you seriously enough".   Konan: "you both are darkness, only flowers can wilt in a world without light!"  The sea rips apart, Obito and y/n fall into the abyss,  Obito rips the left part of his mask off and uses kamui to phase through the paper bombs and y/n does the same,  y/n: "obito how do we get out of this!" Obito: "there's only one way, I'm going to use izanagi on us both."  Obito left Sharingan glowed red and black and we  appeared behind Konan,  obito picked up a sharp piece of metal to stab Konan with, y/n stops obito,  y/n: "obito don't, I'll do it."  Konan: I didn't know that jutsu would take so much chakra, at least that demon and Madara are-, y/n stabbed Konan in the stomach and said "are dead?"   Konan: "how?"                  Y/n: "izanagi, the forbidden jutsu of the uchiha,  the user can tie the illusion and reality to together, the cost is an eye."   Konan stumbles and turns around to say,  Konan: "naruto is the bridge to peace and I'll be his pillar to guide him!"  Y/n and obito charged at Konan, konan threw a disc of paper at y/n and obito but they dodged it and it came back as paper shurikens and blocked them all,  y/n picked up konan by the throat choking her and said  "konan I'm only doing this because I want to make nagato's true peace come true, but I'm sorry it had to be this way."  Konan: *struggles to talk*. "I-i understand y-your reasons for t-this, in sorry t-to".   Y/n continued to choke konan until she went limp.

Y/n pov (at Nagato's  corpse)
We found where Nagato was, obito was shocked to find that nagato's rinnegan in both eyes were gone,  obits: "what!" "Where did they go?"   Y/n: "obito there's something I half to show you." I showed him my rinnegan in both eyes, obito: "is there a way to give me a rinnegan eye?"  Y/n: "there is but it might be very painful."   I put my hand on his left eye, with my chakra I formed a rinnegan, however it wasn't one of my eyes,  I forged it with my chakra,  obits screamed in pain, "AGGHHHHH!"     Y/n: "now open your left eye obito."  Obito opened his left eye to reveal his rinnegan,   Obito: "we don't need the akatsuki cloaks any more."   Obito took off his broken mask, I finally his face instead of swirly mask, I repaired my broken mask and it returned to its normal state,  obito came out with a new outfit on,  y/n: "that's the third time you got a new outfit

"   Obito took off his broken mask, I finally his face instead of swirly mask, I repaired my broken mask and it returned to its normal state,  obito came out with a new outfit on,  y/n: "that's the third time you got a new outfit

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Obito: *laughs* "shut up!" Anyways were going to resurrect the old jinchuuriki, then meet up with madars on our new orders for the infinite tsukuyomi ."  Y/n: "sounds easy enough."  Y/n's thoughts: "vengeance will be mine!"

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