The taka vs a demon

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(In the akatsu ki lair)
Y/n pov
I went to the memorial I made for nagato, and sasori, deidara,kakuzu, Hidan, and itachi to pay my respects to them. Y/n: "I miss you guys so much." I walk up to each grave and tie their individual headbands to them,  I feel tears starting to form in my eyes,         Y/n: "rest in peace my friends....".  Obito walks up  behind me and says "they didn't die in vain y/n, they will always be with us, come now we must complete our project."  Konan popped out behind us but we didn't notice,  konan: "Madara and that demon must be erased from existence."   Me and obito  split up, he said he had to make preparations with kabuto for the project.  I entered the land of lighting  seeking calmness for the loss of my comrade's when I saw clouds of dust and lighting close by,  y/n: "kamui!" My kamui teleported me nearby the collision to reveal Sasuke and a group of people I've never seen before.  Sasuke: "suigetsu  block his rising bomber!"  The white hair man known. As suigetsu block killer bee's rising bomber and an orange haired man named jugo punched killer bee with a weird looking rock fist. They had knocked killer bee unconscious with that punch, y/n's thoughts: "nows my chance, we have unfinished business Sasuke."    Sasuke and his group look towards the ridge I was standing on.  Suigestu: "uh Sasuke who's that?"  Sasuke replied saying "that's y/n of the Akatsuki.   Jugo and Karin  stare at me in shock, jugo: "that can't be him!"   Suigestu's thoughts: WHAT!" Y/n of the akatsuki , he'll murder us!!"   I jumped down from the ridge and stared at them,  y/n: funny meeting you here Sasuke, we have unfinished business.  Karin: "take off your mask your no match for sasuke he'll tear you to shreds!"   Y/n: "very well."  I took off the yellow and black mask Obito gave me,  I kept my eyes closed so I can "surprise them."  Suigetsu's thoughts: "this is bad his going to smash us into bits!"   Sasuke: I've become more powerful than you y/n and soon enough you'll fall before me. Y/n: "hahahaha... HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!"  I open my eyes to show them my rinnegan,  I take off my cloak and get ready to fight,  karin's thoughts:"I don't know who's hotter sasuke or y/n!!!!"              Y/n: bring it sasuke!"   Sasuke: jugo take the right, suigetsu take the left, Karin, behind me and watch my back.

No one pov
The taka stares at y/n and y/n does the same, they both charged at each other suigetsu and jugo swung their fists at y/n but end up punching themselves because y/n used kamui to phase through it,  y/n: "pathetic..."                  y/n jumps in the air and kicks suigestu and jugo at the same time, Sasuke : "Amaterasu!" The black flame comes towards me but I don't move. Y/n: "your not the only one who can do that, Amaterasu!" The black flames crash into each other and explode into
A bigger Amaterasu, everyone in the taka charged at you , suigetsu had his sword in hand, jugo charged with his living wall fist, sasuke dived with his sword aimed at your head,and Karin was going to slap you with a paper bomb. Y/n: "almighty push!" The almighty push knocked back only Karin, jugo, and suigetsu, sasuke was still diving at you with immense speed, when the blade was close to you, y/n grabbed the sword by the blade and shattered the blade like it was glass and hit sasuke with a clenched susanoo fist. Suigetstu started to stand up, suigestu: "water style water dragon justu!"A large water dragon was headed towards y/n, Y/n: *copies justu*. "Water style: water dragon justu!" A dark blue water dragon collides with suigetsu and make a big wave of water knocking suigetsu out. Sasuke regained his strength and started dashing at y/n. Sasuke: y/nnnn!!!" Y/n: "sasukeeeeee!!!" Sasuke dashed at y/n but Sasuke went through y/n because he used kamui and y/n knocked Sasuke out with a kick to head, Y/n: *pant* *pant* "I think you Underestimated me." Y/n put his mask and cloak back on and headed back to the akatsuki.

(In by the akatsuki lair)
Y/n pov:
I was bored, there were know missions to do yet, I called kisame so I can spar with him to test my skills, y/n:"Kisame!" "Where are you?" I look to the wall and saw a note in kisame's writing it said, dear y/n I've gone scouting for jinchuuriki around the land of fire, sinecerely kisame. Y/n:
"So that's where he went, wait a minute!" "This was here 3 hours ago, oh shit he's captured!" "I gotta find him quick!" I exited the lair and used kamui and teleported in the forest of konoha, I jumped from tree to tree trying to find kisame before it's too late. I heard some distant shouting and took a closer look and saw kisame in a pillory stock being interrogated by hidden leaf jounin, I looked all around and saw more leaf ninja along with guy and naruto, I half to free kisame before there able to hunt us down. I jumped down behind one of the jounin, I stab him in the neck with my Kunai, y/n:"dissected." I took out the jounin guarding around the Perimeter, I looked over at kisame to see he bit his tongue in order to prevent them To find out who Tobi really is. Kisame breaks out of his stocks and imprisons himself with his water prison jutsu. I jumped out of my position, y/n: "kisame!" "Don't!" Kisame's thoughts: y/n let me be, I'm going to see itachi, I'll always be with you, kisame: "shark bomb jutsu." I watched as kisame's water sharks tear him apart, I feel the tears come up,      y/n: rest in piece kisame....and say hi to the rest of the akatsuki for me ok?..... I felt a rage build in me and felt naruto and guy approaching me        Y/n: "RAHHHHHGHGG!" I turned around enraged, and pointed at naruto and guy, y/n: "YOU!" I SHALL HAVE YOUR HEAD!" I dashed towards them guy:"dynamic entry!" I grabbed his leg and tossed him into a nearby tree, naruto switched to his nine tail and said "super mini tailed beast bomb!" Y/n: "wood style: great tree spear!" 4 tree rose from the ground hitting naruto knocking him back, naruto: "y/n please I'm sorry, stop all this madness!" I looked naruto directly in the eyes and paralyzed him in a genjustu and left, when I left I saw a huge squadron of leaf ninja charging towards me, I slammed my hand on the ground and said "wood style: great tree spear." Spiked trees rose from the ground and impaled every ninja that was charging at me, the trees rose up and made it look like the trees were coiling around the crimson moon, I carried kisame's body and walked through the forest, y/n: "pain to the world...."

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