Arthur was dead. You didn't know how to deal with it, your friends kept trying to comfort you and even told your family so they would come to cheer you up, but you couldn't "let go". Not in the way they wanted you to. They assumed you and Arthur were involved... romantically. Of course, that's not true. Arthur had a crush on you but you saw him no more than a friend. Now, you keep telling yourself that because of that friendship, he's gone.
How were you supposed to let go of that? It didn't matter if you told people you blamed yourself for his death, they'd just tell you it wasn't, but you knew deep inside that if it wasn't for his generosity and your asking him for his help, he'd still be alive.
You buried your head in your pillow, which was stained with tears ever since the news came up. You didn't leave your room for the entire weekend, but now it was Monday morning and you had classes in the next three hours.
"Name, come on, let us in so we can drag your butt out. Have you even eaten anything for breakfast?" Arin asked from the other side of the bedroom door.
You just groaned into the pillow. You've been craving for a fruit salad with frozen kiwi and mangoes... and bananas and blueberries, topped with peanut butter... and one big serving of roasted corn. You were the type to crave when you were under stress, but aside from the obvious reasons of it being completely unhealthy for the average person, you had your diabetes.
The only times you left your room were to go to the bathroom and to the kitchen (which was always when the twins were not in either places).
Allen called your name again, but you closed your eyes and let your consciousness slip away.
"Name, we have something for you" Arin said, "Someone left a package for you. Someone named... Alfred?"
The hair on your skin stood up.
Who was he again?
"...We're gonna go eat dinner now, we'll leave this right here."
You listened for the twins' footsteps on the wooden floor, waited a few minutes, and then got up.
The house was old but the doors didn't creak.
You bent down to retrieve the basket which was full of fresh purple hyacinths. The only other thing inside was a single white card with the words: "IT WASN'T ME".
The Eyes at the Foot of the Bed (Sweet Devil!America x Reader)
FanfictionIncubus n. : An evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep; especially one that has sexual intercourse with women while they are sleeping. ( DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hetalia.