Niam: Liam get sick in the night

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This one was requested by liampaynelover88 so I hope you enjoy!!!

Liam's POV:

After a great concert the boys and I headed back to the bus. As usual, Harry and Louis played FIFA on the xbox and we all watched. Me and Zayn were talking and my stomach started whirling around and my head started hurting. I figured it was just something I ate and would try to ignore it. As the conversation went on, it only started to get worse. Apparently Niall, my boyfriend, noticed it too because he have me a concerned look. For some reason I felt embarrassed to say that I didn't feel good in front of all the boys and just said I was tired. After about another 10 minutes, I felt as if my head was going to explode. I told the boys I was going to bed and of course I had to put up with a fight. after what seemed like 10 minutes of fighting I felt like I was going to be sick so I just ran to my bunk crying. Niall and all the other boys came running over to see what was wrong. I told them I was just tired but Niall didn't buy it. Once all the other boys left he stayed and asked me what was wrong. "Nothing" I replied and Niall just sighed and walked away. As soon as he left I drifted off to sleep.

Niall's POV:

I am so worried about Li, especially since he won't even tell ME what's going on. When I walked back to where the other guys were they gave me that look that they needed an explanation. "I think Liam's sick, he looks pale and I noticed that he was rubbing his stomach and squeezing his eyes." I said. "I think he's just tired, he would tell you if something was off." Louis replied. "Yeah I guess your right, but just in case, Im gonna go I my bunk so that I'm closer if something is up."

2 hours later

I was awoken from a horrible whimpering sound. I sat up and listene to who it could've been. Then I heard a sob and I knew it. It was Liam. I dashed up to his bunk and saw him curled up in a ball on his side. When he saw he moved over so I could lay with him. He whimpered "I don't feel good" and I said "I know babe what hurts?" "My stomach and head" he cried. I hated seeing him like this. "Do you feel like you're going to be sick?" he just nodded his head yes. "Let's go over to the couch and I'll bring you a bowl and some medicine so that you don't wake the others yeah?" he nodded his head again. I helped him over to the couch and then ran off to go get the stuff. I can back to a horrible gagging sound, "Shit" I said and sprinted over holding the bucket just barely catching his vomit in the bowl. I sat down next to him and rubbed his back. "shh" I said "your okay your okay." Apparently we didn't move far enough because Harry heard Liam's retching and came over to help. After about 20 minutes of heaving , nothing came out so he started to dry heave. Liam panted and managed to get out "I don't like this" before another round of his stomach came pouring out. Harry rubbed his back while I whispered sweet nothings into his ear. When he started dr heaving again he croaked "I think I'm done." "ok" I said "do you wanna lay down" he nodded his head yes again. "Do you want me to clean this out?" Harry said pointing to the bowl. "Yeah thanks" I replied. As soon as Harry left Liam cried from under all of the blankets. I worriedly walked over and said "what's wrong babe?" I-I d-d-didn't like t-that" "I know sweetie do you want me to go get you some blankets?" he just nodded his head once again. I went off I death of the blanket and when I came back,hr was crying and Harry was trying to calm him down. "Shh babe calm down or you'll be sick again" I cooed. I put the blanket over him and said "Is that better" "no" he said. "What do you need babe?" "Cuddles" he replied and I couldn't help but chuckle as I got under the covers. Harry left to go back to be as Liam went to sleep. I followed soon after hoping he would be better in the morning.

I hope you guys enjoyed this!! I really liked it and I you want, leave me comments saying if you want a part 2! Leave any other requests you have!! and for 1dsickfics , I asked you one more thing and then I will be posting yours! love you guys!!

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