It was like a dream, i was in a daze; nothing seemed real but yet it was.
The knocking on the door was like a pounding in my ear. Engraved in my head is a never before experience, something out of ordinary, like my body ain't my body but a movie stuck on replay.
swimming through my brain are the same words always said that i never seem to grasp and i keep in the past never moving on.
'He's gone' are such simple words but are not easy to accept,
A bullet through the chest is not the death you would expect 'Why did he have to go' are the same words always asked.
Going through the grief is not always easy like it seems. Youre stuck on denial, coming up on anger, praying for a miracle, going through depression and finally acceptance.
I've been through it all and I've finally learned to move on.
R.I.P Edgar U. Cabrera