At work

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Magdalena's pov

It's been hard these days to get a decent job in the city but I'm grateful i found this one. I'm a secretary for a little furniture store in the corner of San Lucas street.
I love my job sometimes. I like meeting new people, talking and organizing papers; but my hands always cramp, my back aches, and my eyes hurt from trying to use the computer.

As soon as I enter the shop, the sent of wood overpowered my nose. I say hello to some of my fellow colleagues and sit down in my chair ,and I start up the computer.

Computers are so weird. I can barely understand how to use it and it takes up way to much space. I rather use the type writer but it would be a waste of money if I didn't use it.

After a while, the machine finally came to life. I look at the paperwork next to me and to my surprise the stack of paper work almost reaches the ceiling!

"Oh my goodness, this is gonna take me all day" I whisper to my self in horror.

14 hours later~~~~~~~~

I flop on to my desk; exhausted. My hands were bruised and cramped; my eyes burned from having them open for so long.
It took me all day but I finally finished all my work.

"Magdalena, you look horrible! What happened?!" I hear Claire, co worker, say.

I was so tired that I couldn't even raise my face to answer her. Instead I barely mumbled an "I'm fine" to her , but I'm pretty sure she didn't hear me.

"Magdalena you are not fine! Look at you! You need a drink." She says while getting her stuff.

I guess she did hear me. A couple of drinks wouldn't hurt. Right?

"Here.Take this, you really need it." Claire says while handing me a cigarette and a lighter.

"Thanks Claire. You really know how to cheer a girl up." I tell her while slightly laughing. I don't normally smoke but I really need it today.

"Come on Magdalena!!!!" She says while running to the door. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I say while laughing at her childish ways. We are both the same age, 26, but she acted more like a teenager than anything.

We both walk out of the store in to the busy streets of the city. I didn't realize how late it was until I saw the night sky. I can see millions of stars twinkle in the sky even with all the lights of the city, you can still see them. Claire quickly yanks my arm and we start walking.

We talked and smoked for a while, until we arrived at Jorge's bar. We almost always come here to relax and have some fun, but today I really wasn't feeling it.

"Claire maybe I should go. I'm pretty tired." I tell her and try to leave but she doesn't let go of my hand.

"Magdalenaaaaa, please don't leave me here all alone with these horny men!" She says while dragging me inside the bar.

"Come on it will be fun." She says while giving me the puppy eyes.

"Alright but only for one drink." I say in defeat and order a shot of whiskey.

Sadly things didn't go to plan...

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