Chapter 7. Trouble with blondie

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Here's the next chapter! 

Guyss.. I'm entering Uni next week and now, I'm nothing more than a nervous wreck.. Is it wrong to say that I haven't pack my luggages yet.>_<

It's hard to accept the fact that I'm entering my 'degree course' next week..°Д°

Still scared!

Anyhow, thank you for reading this humble story guys!


Chapter 7 - Trouble with blondie

*9 a.m. Ichiraku Ramen Shop*

In all honesty, that was the first time the girl went to a Ramen shop that early in the morning.

She was not really a ramen person because she did not consumed much of it when she was growing up or even when she was still in school or university, the time when ramen was highly consumed was when a person is short of money for its low price in the market. Because she never had to worry about money at that time, she rarely get the chance to try the instant noodle.

As soon as she arrived at the shop, she sat awkwardly on one of the stolls there. Naruto reached there a bit late. When the owner of the shop asked her what she would like to order, she replied with 'I'll wait for my friend and order when he arrived.'

Five minutes later, Naruto hastily ran into the shop.

"(Your Name), I'm soooo sorry for coming late."

"Hurmm.. I was just about to go home you know?"

"No! No... Please don't go home yet. I'll make it up to you!" the blond said desperately.

"I don't know.." she said her finger on her chin as in contemplating about leaving. Teasing the blond hair. Something she did not do to many strangers before, or a person you just met and talked to for only one time.

"Aww.. Pleasee. I'll.. I'll..Urmm.. Everything is on me today." he said. His both his hands clamped together in a begging way. With a puppy eyes.

Seriously if the woman did not have good endurance, she'd hug the man already. He very much resembled one of the retriever she used to nurse. And she loved the dog soo much she thought of keeping him but later a man came to adopt the dear dog.

Having enough fun for the day, the woman started laughing real hard but still under control as she kept one hand on her mouth. Leaving the boy dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry Naruto. It's just that your face looked really funny that I can't stop teasing you." the woman said after she stopped laughing. But her wide smile still evidence on her face.

"So, you're not angry?" the blond man asked to comfirm.

"Of course not. I don't mind you being late for 5 minutes. I'm not that strict on punctuation. Don't worry." the woman said.

After that only did the man heaved a releaved sigh.

"I thought you're really mad at me just now. You could really pass as a professional actress you know. I'm a hundred percent bought that acting." he said as he walked to the tall chair beside the girl's.

"Now, lets EAT!" he said passionately. Before he called for the owner and ordered for both his and the woman's portion.

*Almost 3 hours at Ichiraku Ramen.*

The woman looked at the guy next to her with wonder. He was still busy slurping his ramen noodle in the big bowl. His face covered from the woman's view.

After a few more slurped, he sat down the bowl. He looked at the woman and showed his cheeky grin.

"I'm done now." he said. Making the girl almost laughed at his silly behavior.

"Are sure you can walk after this?" she asked hesitating at the end.

"Of course.. This is only half of what I usually ate anyway." the man said still flashing his cheeky grin.

The woman froze before she giggled at those words. It's not funny, yes, but what's funny was the fact that the man had been eating over 4 bowls of ramen now and was still saying how hungry he was while patting his flat stomach.

'Such high metabolism' she silently said to herself before standing up.

"So, what's next on the list?" she asked the man. The blond did promised her he would plan their day himself and forbid the woman from doing any early preparation for their 'thank you outing'.

"Next, we will be going to..." the man seized his talking when a buzz came from his cell. Desperately asking for his attention. He grab the device and briefly scanned the screen before picking it up.

"He's awake? Who was in charge today?? Okay, I'll be there in an hour." he said in a hushed voice.

After finishing his conversation, he hung up the call and looked at the woman in front of him guiltily.

"I'm sorry (Your Name) but something came up and I have to be there to help the team.

"It's okay. I understand.. Working as a vet did take my personal time out of me. But the next time we meet you have to tell me your occupation. Since you knew mine and I didn't know your's. That's not very fair you know." the woman said slightly laughing in the end.

Really, she just knew the guy for only a few weeks and they're behaving like they knew each other for their entire life already. Making the woman wondered herself.

"I have to. I wanna meet you again too." the man said. Before realizing his words. He turns red and continued..

"I-I mean, we have to finish this 'thank you outing' for me to properly showed how thankful I am. A-and Kurama missed you too so maybe I can bring him next time." he finished. Blushed clearly evidence on the man's sun kissed, tan skin.

The woman smiled happily to the though of meeting the baby fox once again. Or is it because she will meet the blond again?? Either way, she was happy getting to know the blond.

'That's the first..' was what the woman thought silently in her head as soon as the previous thought poped up in her head. As she was never one of 'friendly' type when it came to handling men.


Chapter 7 done ✔

Some Naruto action right there. I love Naruto, he's really cute.😚

Any idea on what Naruto does for a living?


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1025 words
3September2017, 1.21p.m.

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