Chapter 9. Coincidences can happen-it seems-

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A/N: It's 1.20 a.m. at my place and I'm on my desk studying for the tests.. I'm very busy these past few weeks and I don't think it'll stop by just another weeks. We'll be busy for as long as we're a student right. I'm sorry for the very late update. But anyhow, still, please enjoy it!😊😊

Chapter 9 - Coincidences can happen(it seems)

The woman jerked up from her laying position as she now woke from her deep slumber.

The dream or she rather called it as nightmare. Was one that was not unfamiliar to her anymore. One that had been hunting her for many years. One that she dreadedly tried to forget.

One.........that involved the ravenette.

The woman shook her head slowly. Remembering the raven haired was the last thing that she needed in her life now.

She slowly stood up and walk to her bathroom. After she finished with her morning routines in the bathroom she entered her walk-in closet to find a suitable attire for her appointment today. She is meeting someone important to her.

*10 a.m. Friday*

After having her breakfast, the young vet went to her dear eldest brother's hospital, for her monthly check-up. Which was deemed very important by all her brothers.

Wearing one of her most favourite sundress, she walked to the hospital, which was 'coincidentally' just a few minutes drive from her studio apartment. Which was brought by her third nii-san,as a congratulatory present.

'Yes.. She decided to listen to all of her nii-san's requests because they can be very persuasive sometimes..'

The woman decided she should absorbs some vitamin D for her skin under the sun so she opted to walk to the hospital.

Her light peach dress(almost white in colour) along with other white colour accessories on her body made the woman appeared more angel like, as called by the children at the hospital.

The woman carefully walked to the main receptionist desk as the nurse there, Nurse Naira smiled at her presence.

"(Surname)-sama, you're right on time for your check-up. President (Surname) had already prepared your usual room and is currently waiting for you in his office." the brunette said lowering her head the whole time she spoke to the woman before her.

"Naira-san, I already told you to call me by my name.. I'm younger than you. Please stop using such suffixes with me.." the woman smiled as she finished her words.

In all honesty, she don't like being treated that respectedly by the people around her. If the reason for all the respects was because of her success(which she work for, on her own) she clearly wouldn't mind, however, she knew they respected her because of the position of her family in the society, and add up to the wealthy condition of her family made their family much more intimidating. Very much to her dismay.

"I'll excuse myself to Doctor (Surname)'s office now Naira-san." she said bowing her head slightly after not receiving any reply from the nervous looking nurse in front of her.

This ordeal was not an unusual thing that happened to her or any of her family members. No matter how kind they were and how nice they treated the people around them, they'd still feel intimidated  just by their mere present in the room.

Which results to the woman being much more fond to animals and children instead of working adults. People always had the wrong assumptions of a rich family. Always with them being snobbish and arrogant. But in the reality, there are many rich personnel that are kind and very pure hearted.

The woman in white continued her way to her brother's office. Seldomly exchanging greetings with the hospital's occupant. Let it be the workers or even the patients. Everyone was gently greeted by the woman in her soft voice.

To say that most of the occupant there like her, was an understatement. They adored her. She was the kind and gentle (Your Name). They know her even before they acknowledge that she was the sole daughter of the (Surname) couple. Before they knew she was (Surname) (Your Name).

When (Your Name) first step into the hospital, she went there with the intention of joining her brothers for lunch(or more to the brothers forcing her). At that time, she was still sad due to the break up with her dear ex-husband.

As she wander around the hospital, she stumble upon a young girl in her hospital gown sitting in the large hospital garden by herself. She was strangely attracted to the girl. And that day changed her life forever. She eventually became very friendly with the children from the pediatric section and not long after that, to everyone in the hospital.

She never introduce herself and oftenly asked the occupants to call her as just (Your Name). They accidentally knew who she was when Doctor (Surname) or better known as President (Surname), talked to his baby sister fondly to ask her for lunch.

They were obviously shocked by the news. Who knew the (Surname) daughter was that nice to others. In their imagination, she was a spoiled and pampered girl that got her parents right at the tip of her fingers. But now that they know, the respect they has for the woman was nothing but increasing.

The way the woman treated everyone with the same kindness that warms the heart of the elder's patients there that they even sat up a blind date for her with their son. Which was mostly refused(politely) by the (hair colour)-haired woman.

Some of them however, back down from flirting with the woman after knowing her brothers. Especially the eldest who seems very protective of his only baby sister.

But in the end, they all became friends. Most likely because the woman was the friendliest person in the whole world.

Which is also why she had more male friends than the one of the same gender as her.

As the woman finally reached her oldest brother's office, she knocked to let him know of her arrival.

After a few minutes, the door in front of the woman opened and instead of her brother, a man stood there.

"Eeh?? Naruto?"

"(Your Name)!!?"


I feel like that was not the best ending I've written so far..

1074 words
9Oct2017, 1.20a.m.

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