-The couples I ship
- How I feel about ships
- Some I don't ship. I'll explain why, or that I just ship Anthor more
- Has Su,Hetalia,PPGZ,PPG,FairyTail,MLP ships
- Don't make fun or criticize anyone for what they ship. We all have opinions. Includ...
Me: Yes yes yes yes yes BOOMUBBLES Glare: YESSSSS Bubbles and Boomer: ......... Me: Plz guys, GET MARRIED Bubbles and Boomer: Uh Me: Let's go Glare Glare: Yeah Glare: DO YOU BUBBLES UNTONIOUM TAKE BOOMER JOJO TO BE YOUR HUSBAND THROUGH SICKNESS AND HEALTH AS LONG AS YOU BOTH SHALL LIVE?" " I do " " Glare: AND DO YOU BOOMER TAKE BUBBLES?" " Boomer: I do..." Me: Okay I'll push Boomer into bubbles and you push Bubbles into Boom Glare: Yeh *pushes them along with me* * THEY KISS *
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Professor: *Sniff* They grow up so fast Mojo: *Sniff* Yes yes they do mojo Me and Glare: *Pushes them out* Glare: What now? Me: Idk Glare: WE GO TO THE FUTURE TO SEE THEIR CHIDLERN ME; YEHHHHHH Glare: Get in the time mechine! Me: Okay! *Gets in time machine* (@Glare0322 XD)